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3DCoat Core API
The 3DCoat API documentation.
This is the complete list of members for cMat4, including all inherited members.
__getstate__() (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | |
__repr__() const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | |
__setstate__(const std::tuple< float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float > &state) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | |
Add(const cMat4 &R) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
Add(const cMat4 &L, const cMat4 &R) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inlinestatic |
cMat4() (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
cMat4(const EZeroCtor) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
cMat4(const EIdentityCtor) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
cMat4(const ERowsCtor, const cVec4 &Row0, const cVec4 &Row1, const cVec4 &Row2, const cVec4 &Row3) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
cMat4(const EColsCtor, const cVec4 &Col0, const cVec4 &Col1, const cVec4 &Col2, const cVec4 &Col3) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
cMat4(const cMat3 &Rotation, const cVec3 &Translation) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
cMat4(const cVec3 &Scaling, const cVec3 &Translation) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
cMat4(const float _00, const float _01, const float _02, const float _03, const float _10, const float _11, const float _12, const float _13, const float _20, const float _21, const float _22, const float _23, const float _30, const float _31, const float _32, const float _33) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
cMat4(const cMat4 &v) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
ColsCtor enum value (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | |
Copy(const float *Float16) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
CopyTransposed(const float *Float16) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
CubeViewProjection(const cVec3 &Pos, const int Side, const float Radius, const bool GL) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
Determinant() const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | |
EColsCtor enum name (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | |
EIdentityCtor enum name (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | |
Elem(const int Row, const int Col) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
Equals(const cMat4 &, const cMat4 &, const float Eps=cMath::MatrixEpsilon) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inlinestatic |
ERowsCtor enum name (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | |
EulerZYX(const float eulerX, const float eulerY, const float eulerZ) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
EZeroCtor enum name (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | |
GetCol(const int Index) const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
GetCol0() const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
GetCol1() const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
GetCol2() const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
GetCol3() const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
GetElem(const int Row, const int Col) const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
GetRotation() const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | |
GetRow(const int Index) const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
GetRow0() const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
GetRow1() const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
GetRow2() const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
GetRow3() const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
GetScaling() const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
GetTranslation() const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
Identity (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
IdentityCtor enum value (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | |
Invert(const cMat4 &Fm, cMat4 *To) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
Invert() (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
IsIdentity(float Eps=cMath::MatrixEpsilon) const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
IsOrthonormal(float Eps=cMath::MatrixEpsilon) const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
IsSymmetric(float Eps=cMath::MatrixEpsilon) const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
IsZero(float Eps=cMath::MatrixEpsilon) const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
LookAtViewProjection(const cVec3 &LookFrom, const cVec3 &LookAt, const float FovY, const float AspectYtoH, const float Znear, const float Zfar) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
Mul(const cMat4 &R) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
Mul(const float s) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
Mul(const cMat4 &L, const cMat4 &R) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inlinestatic |
Mul(const cMat4 &L, const float s) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inlinestatic |
operator()(const int Row, const int Col) const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
operator()(const int Row, const int Col) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
operator*(const cMat4 &R) const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
operator*(const float) const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
operator* (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | friend |
operator*=(const cMat4 &R) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
operator*=(const float) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
operator+(const cMat4 &R) const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
operator+=(const cMat4 &R) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
operator-() const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
operator-(const cMat4 &R) const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
operator-=(const cMat4 &R) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
operator/(const float) const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
operator/=(const float) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
operator==(const cMat4 &) const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
operator[](const int Row) const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
operator[](const int Row) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
Ortho(const float Width, const float Height, const float Znear, const float Zfar) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
Ortho(const float Left, const float Right, const float Bottom, const float Top, const float Znear, const float Zfar) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
Ortho(const cBounds &B) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
Perspective(float YFov, float AspectWtoH, float Znear, float Zfar) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
PerspectiveInf(const float YFov, const float AspectWtoH, const float Znear) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
Rotation(const cVec3 &Axis, const float Angle) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
RotationAt(const cVec2 &Orig, const float Angle) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
RotationAt(const cVec3 &Orig, const cVec3 &Axis, const float Angle) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
RotationX(const float Angle) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
RotationXYZ(const float Pitch, const float Yaw, const float Roll) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
RotationY(const float Angle) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
RotationZ(const float Angle) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
Row(const int Index) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
Row0() (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
Row1() (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
Row2() (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
Row3() (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
RowsCtor enum value (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | |
Scaling(const float XYZ) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
Scaling(const float X, const float Y) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
Scaling(const float X, const float Y, const float Z) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
Scaling(const cVec2 &XY) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
Scaling(const cVec3 &XYZ) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
ScalingAt(const float OrigX, const float OrigY, const float ScaleXY) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
ScalingAt(const float OrigX, const float OrigY, const float ScaleX, const float ScaleY) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
ScalingAt(const cVec2 &Orig, const float ScaleXY) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
ScalingAt(const cVec2 &Orig, const float ScaleX, const float ScaleY) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
ScalingAt(const cVec2 &Orig, const cVec2 &Scale) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
ScalingAt(const cVec3 &Orig, const float ScaleXYZ) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
ScalingAt(const cVec3 &Orig, const float ScaleX, const float ScaleY, const float ScaleZ) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
ScalingAt(const cVec3 &Orig, const cVec3 &Scale) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
ScalingAt(const cVec3 &Orig, const cVec3 &Dir, float Scale) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
SetCol(const int Index, const cVec4 &) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
SetCol(const int Index, const float X, const float Y, const float Z, const float W) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
SetCol0(const cVec4 &) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
SetCol0(const float X, const float Y, const float Z, const float W) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
SetCol1(const cVec4 &) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
SetCol1(const float X, const float Y, const float Z, const float W) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
SetCol2(const cVec4 &) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
SetCol2(const float X, const float Y, const float Z, const float W) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
SetCol3(const cVec4 &) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
SetCol3(const float X, const float Y, const float Z, const float W) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
SetElem(int Row, int Col, float Value) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
SetIdentity() (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
SetRotation(const cAngles &) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | |
SetRow(const int Index, const cVec4 &) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
SetRow(const int Index, const float X, const float Y, const float Z, const float W) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
SetRow0(const cVec4 &) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
SetRow0(const float X, const float Y, const float Z, const float W) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
SetRow1(const cVec4 &) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
SetRow1(const float X, const float Y, const float Z, const float W) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
SetRow2(const cVec4 &) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
SetRow2(const float X, const float Y, const float Z, const float W) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
SetRow3(const cVec4 &) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
SetRow3(const float X, const float Y, const float Z, const float W) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
SetScaling(const cVec3 &) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
SetTranslation(const cVec3 &) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
SetZero() (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
Sub(const cMat4 &R) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
Sub(const cMat4 &L, const cMat4 &R) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inlinestatic |
ToFloatPtr() const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
ToFloatPtr() (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
ToMat3() const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
ToNormalMatrix() const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | |
ToQuat() const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | |
ToString(const int Prec=2) const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | |
Trace() const (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
Translation(const float X, const float Y) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
Translation(const float X, const float Y, const float Z) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
Translation(const cVec2 &XY) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
Translation(const cVec3 &XYZ) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
Transpose(const cMat4 &) (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inlinestatic |
Transpose() (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | inline |
Zero (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 | static |
ZeroCtor enum value (defined in cMat4) | cMat4 |