3DCoat Core API
The 3DCoat API documentation.
No Matches
cMat4 Member List

This is the complete list of members for cMat4, including all inherited members.

__getstate__() (defined in cMat4)cMat4
__repr__() const (defined in cMat4)cMat4
__setstate__(const std::tuple< float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float > &state) (defined in cMat4)cMat4
Add(const cMat4 &R) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
Add(const cMat4 &L, const cMat4 &R) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inlinestatic
cMat4() (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
cMat4(const EZeroCtor) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
cMat4(const EIdentityCtor) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
cMat4(const ERowsCtor, const cVec4 &Row0, const cVec4 &Row1, const cVec4 &Row2, const cVec4 &Row3) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
cMat4(const EColsCtor, const cVec4 &Col0, const cVec4 &Col1, const cVec4 &Col2, const cVec4 &Col3) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
cMat4(const cMat3 &Rotation, const cVec3 &Translation) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
cMat4(const cVec3 &Scaling, const cVec3 &Translation) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
cMat4(const float _00, const float _01, const float _02, const float _03, const float _10, const float _11, const float _12, const float _13, const float _20, const float _21, const float _22, const float _23, const float _30, const float _31, const float _32, const float _33) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
cMat4(const cMat4 &v) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
ColsCtor enum value (defined in cMat4)cMat4
Copy(const float *Float16) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
CopyTransposed(const float *Float16) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
CubeViewProjection(const cVec3 &Pos, const int Side, const float Radius, const bool GL) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
Determinant() const (defined in cMat4)cMat4
EColsCtor enum name (defined in cMat4)cMat4
EIdentityCtor enum name (defined in cMat4)cMat4
Elem(const int Row, const int Col) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
Equals(const cMat4 &, const cMat4 &, const float Eps=cMath::MatrixEpsilon) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inlinestatic
ERowsCtor enum name (defined in cMat4)cMat4
EulerZYX(const float eulerX, const float eulerY, const float eulerZ) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
EZeroCtor enum name (defined in cMat4)cMat4
GetCol(const int Index) const (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
GetCol0() const (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
GetCol1() const (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
GetCol2() const (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
GetCol3() const (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
GetElem(const int Row, const int Col) const (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
GetRotation() const (defined in cMat4)cMat4
GetRow(const int Index) const (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
GetRow0() const (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
GetRow1() const (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
GetRow2() const (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
GetRow3() const (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
GetScaling() const (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
GetTranslation() const (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
Identity (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
IdentityCtor enum value (defined in cMat4)cMat4
Invert(const cMat4 &Fm, cMat4 *To) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
Invert() (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
IsIdentity(float Eps=cMath::MatrixEpsilon) const (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
IsOrthonormal(float Eps=cMath::MatrixEpsilon) const (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
IsSymmetric(float Eps=cMath::MatrixEpsilon) const (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
IsZero(float Eps=cMath::MatrixEpsilon) const (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
LookAtViewProjection(const cVec3 &LookFrom, const cVec3 &LookAt, const float FovY, const float AspectYtoH, const float Znear, const float Zfar) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
Mul(const cMat4 &R) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
Mul(const float s) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
Mul(const cMat4 &L, const cMat4 &R) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inlinestatic
Mul(const cMat4 &L, const float s) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inlinestatic
operator()(const int Row, const int Col) const (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
operator()(const int Row, const int Col) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
operator*(const cMat4 &R) const (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
operator*(const float) const (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
operator* (defined in cMat4)cMat4friend
operator*=(const cMat4 &R) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
operator*=(const float) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
operator+(const cMat4 &R) const (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
operator+=(const cMat4 &R) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
operator-() const (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
operator-(const cMat4 &R) const (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
operator-=(const cMat4 &R) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
operator/(const float) const (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
operator/=(const float) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
operator==(const cMat4 &) const (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
operator[](const int Row) const (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
operator[](const int Row) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
Ortho(const float Width, const float Height, const float Znear, const float Zfar) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
Ortho(const float Left, const float Right, const float Bottom, const float Top, const float Znear, const float Zfar) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
Ortho(const cBounds &B) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
Perspective(float YFov, float AspectWtoH, float Znear, float Zfar) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
PerspectiveInf(const float YFov, const float AspectWtoH, const float Znear) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
Rotation(const cVec3 &Axis, const float Angle) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
RotationAt(const cVec2 &Orig, const float Angle) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
RotationAt(const cVec3 &Orig, const cVec3 &Axis, const float Angle) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
RotationX(const float Angle) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
RotationXYZ(const float Pitch, const float Yaw, const float Roll) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
RotationY(const float Angle) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
RotationZ(const float Angle) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
Row(const int Index) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
Row0() (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
Row1() (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
Row2() (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
Row3() (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
RowsCtor enum value (defined in cMat4)cMat4
Scaling(const float XYZ) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
Scaling(const float X, const float Y) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
Scaling(const float X, const float Y, const float Z) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
Scaling(const cVec2 &XY) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
Scaling(const cVec3 &XYZ) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
ScalingAt(const float OrigX, const float OrigY, const float ScaleXY) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
ScalingAt(const float OrigX, const float OrigY, const float ScaleX, const float ScaleY) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
ScalingAt(const cVec2 &Orig, const float ScaleXY) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
ScalingAt(const cVec2 &Orig, const float ScaleX, const float ScaleY) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
ScalingAt(const cVec2 &Orig, const cVec2 &Scale) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
ScalingAt(const cVec3 &Orig, const float ScaleXYZ) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
ScalingAt(const cVec3 &Orig, const float ScaleX, const float ScaleY, const float ScaleZ) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
ScalingAt(const cVec3 &Orig, const cVec3 &Scale) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
ScalingAt(const cVec3 &Orig, const cVec3 &Dir, float Scale) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
SetCol(const int Index, const cVec4 &) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
SetCol(const int Index, const float X, const float Y, const float Z, const float W) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
SetCol0(const cVec4 &) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
SetCol0(const float X, const float Y, const float Z, const float W) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
SetCol1(const cVec4 &) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
SetCol1(const float X, const float Y, const float Z, const float W) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
SetCol2(const cVec4 &) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
SetCol2(const float X, const float Y, const float Z, const float W) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
SetCol3(const cVec4 &) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
SetCol3(const float X, const float Y, const float Z, const float W) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
SetElem(int Row, int Col, float Value) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
SetIdentity() (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
SetRotation(const cAngles &) (defined in cMat4)cMat4
SetRow(const int Index, const cVec4 &) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
SetRow(const int Index, const float X, const float Y, const float Z, const float W) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
SetRow0(const cVec4 &) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
SetRow0(const float X, const float Y, const float Z, const float W) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
SetRow1(const cVec4 &) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
SetRow1(const float X, const float Y, const float Z, const float W) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
SetRow2(const cVec4 &) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
SetRow2(const float X, const float Y, const float Z, const float W) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
SetRow3(const cVec4 &) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
SetRow3(const float X, const float Y, const float Z, const float W) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
SetScaling(const cVec3 &) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
SetTranslation(const cVec3 &) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
SetZero() (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
Sub(const cMat4 &R) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
Sub(const cMat4 &L, const cMat4 &R) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inlinestatic
ToFloatPtr() const (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
ToFloatPtr() (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
ToMat3() const (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
ToNormalMatrix() const (defined in cMat4)cMat4
ToQuat() const (defined in cMat4)cMat4
ToString(const int Prec=2) const (defined in cMat4)cMat4
Trace() const (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
Translation(const float X, const float Y) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
Translation(const float X, const float Y, const float Z) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
Translation(const cVec2 &XY) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
Translation(const cVec3 &XYZ) (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
Transpose(const cMat4 &) (defined in cMat4)cMat4inlinestatic
Transpose() (defined in cMat4)cMat4inline
Zero (defined in cMat4)cMat4static
ZeroCtor enum value (defined in cMat4)cMat4