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3DCoat Core API
The 3DCoat API documentation.
This is the complete list of members for coat::Mesh, including all inherited members.
addMaterial(const char *name) | coat::Mesh | |
addMaterial(const std::string &name) | coat::Mesh | |
addMeshFaces(const std::vector< int > &faces) | coat::Mesh | |
addMeshNormals(const std::vector< vec3 > &normals) | coat::Mesh | |
addMeshUVs(const std::vector< vec2 > &uvs) | coat::Mesh | |
addMeshVertices(const std::vector< vec3 > &positions) | coat::Mesh | |
addObject(const char *name) | coat::Mesh | |
addObject(const std::string &name) | coat::Mesh | |
addToVolume(Volume &v, const mat4 &transform=mat4::Identity) | coat::Mesh | |
addTransformed(const Mesh &m, const mat4 &t) | coat::Mesh | |
allocate() (defined in coat::Mesh) | coat::Mesh | protected |
allocated_meshes (defined in coat::Mesh) | coat::Mesh | protectedstatic |
autodetectSymmetryPlanes() | coat::Mesh | |
boolean(const Mesh &m, BoolOpType op) | coat::Mesh | |
booleanOp(Mesh &With, BoolOpType op) | coat::Mesh | |
box(const vec3 ¢er=vec3::Zero, const vec3 &size=vec3::One, const vec3 &xAxis=vec3::Zero, const vec3 &yAxis=vec3::Zero, const vec3 &zAxis=vec3::Zero, float detail_size=1, float fillet=0.0f, int nx=0, int ny=0, int nz=0) | coat::Mesh | static |
calcNormals() | coat::Mesh | |
calcNormalsIgnoreSharpEdges() | coat::Mesh | |
clear() | coat::Mesh | |
clearFaces() | coat::Mesh | |
clearMaterials() | coat::Mesh | |
clearNormals() | coat::Mesh | |
clearObject() | coat::Mesh | |
clearUvVerts() | coat::Mesh | |
clearVerts() | coat::Mesh | |
cone(const vec3 ¢er=vec3::Zero, float radius=1, float height=2, float detail_size=1, const vec3 &topAxis=vec3::AxisY) | coat::Mesh | static |
createNewUvVertex(const vec2 &uv) | coat::Mesh | |
createNewVertex(const vec3 &position) | coat::Mesh | |
createVDM(int side, const char *path_to_exr, const vec3 ¢er=vec3::Zero, float radius=1, const vec3 &up=vec3::AxisZ, const vec3 &x=vec3::AxisX, const vec3 &y=vec3::AxisY) | coat::Mesh | |
cutByDistortedPlane(const vec3 &start, const vec3 &NormalDirection, float noise_degree, float noise_scale, int seed=0) | coat::Mesh | |
cutByPlane(const vec3 &start, const vec3 &NormalDirection) | coat::Mesh | |
cylinder(const vec3 ¢er=vec3::Zero, float radius=1, float height=2, float detail_size=1, int slices=0, int caps=0, int rings=0, float fillet=0) | coat::Mesh | static |
dec_ref(comms::cMeshContainer *m) (defined in coat::Mesh) | coat::Mesh | protected |
distortByPerlinNoise(float noise_degree, float noise_scale, bool anisotropic=false, int seed=0) | coat::Mesh | |
ensureMaterialsAndObjectsExist() | coat::Mesh | |
expandOpenEdges(float distance) | coat::Mesh | |
extrudeOpenEdges(float distance, vec3 direction=vec3::Zero) | coat::Mesh | |
facesCount() | coat::Mesh | |
fromPaintRoom() | coat::Mesh | |
fromReducedVolume(Volume &v, float reduction_percent, bool with_subtree=false, bool all_selected=false) | coat::Mesh | |
fromRetopo() | coat::Mesh | |
fromVolume(Volume &v, bool with_subtree=false, bool all_selected=false) | coat::Mesh | |
fromVolumeWithMaxPolycount(Volume &v, int max_polycount, bool with_subtree=false, bool all_selected=false) | coat::Mesh | |
geometry() | coat::Mesh | |
geometry() const (defined in coat::Mesh) | coat::Mesh | |
getBounds() const | coat::Mesh | |
getCenterMass() const | coat::Mesh | |
getFaceMaterial(int faceIndex) | coat::Mesh | |
getFaceNormal(int face) | coat::Mesh | |
getFaceNormalVertex(int faceIndex, int faceVertexIndex) | coat::Mesh | |
getFaceObject(int faceIndex) | coat::Mesh | |
getFaceSquare(int face) | coat::Mesh | |
getFaceUVSquare(int face) | coat::Mesh | |
getFaceUvVertex(int faceIndex, int faceVertexIndex) | coat::Mesh | |
getFaceUvVerts(int face) | coat::Mesh | |
getFaceUvVerts(int face, list< int > &vertices) (defined in coat::Mesh) | coat::Mesh | |
getFaceUvVertsCount(int face) | coat::Mesh | |
getFaceVertex(int faceIndex, int faceVertexIndex) | coat::Mesh | |
getFaceVerts(int face) | coat::Mesh | |
getFaceVerts(int face, list< int > &vertices) (defined in coat::Mesh) | coat::Mesh | |
getFaceVertsCount(int face) | coat::Mesh | |
getLengthAlongDirection(const vec3 &dir) const | coat::Mesh | |
getMaterialName(int idx) | coat::Mesh | |
getMaterialsCount() | coat::Mesh | |
getMaterialTexture(int idx, int texture_layer) | coat::Mesh | |
getMeshNormals() | coat::Mesh | |
getMeshUVs() | coat::Mesh | |
getMeshVertices() | coat::Mesh | |
getObjectName(int idx) | coat::Mesh | |
getObjectsCount() | coat::Mesh | |
getOpenEdges() | coat::Mesh | |
getOpenSurfaceVolume(const vec3 &start, const vec3 &dir) const | coat::Mesh | |
getSquare() const | coat::Mesh | |
getVertex(int idx) const | coat::Mesh | |
getVertexNormal(int idx) const | coat::Mesh | |
getVertexUV(int idx) const | coat::Mesh | |
getVolume() const | coat::Mesh | |
hexagonal_plane(const vec3 ¢er=vec3::Zero, float sizeX=2, float sizeY=2, int divisionsX=2, int divisionsY=2, const vec3 &xAxis=vec3::AxisX, const vec3 &yAxis=vec3::AxisY) | coat::Mesh | static |
inc_ref(comms::cMeshContainer *m) (defined in coat::Mesh) | coat::Mesh | protected |
insertInVolume(Volume &v, const mat4 &transform=mat4::Identity) | coat::Mesh | |
intersectWithVolume(Volume &v, const mat4 &transform=mat4::Identity) | coat::Mesh | |
MakeCopy() (defined in coat::Mesh) | coat::Mesh | |
Mesh() (defined in coat::Mesh) | coat::Mesh | |
Mesh(const Mesh &m) (defined in coat::Mesh) | coat::Mesh | |
Mesh(const Model &m) (defined in coat::Mesh) | coat::Mesh | |
MeshData (defined in coat::Mesh) | coat::Mesh | protected |
Model (defined in coat::Mesh) | coat::Mesh | friend |
operator+=(const Mesh &m) | coat::Mesh | |
operator+=(const Model &m) | coat::Mesh | |
operator=(const Mesh &m) (defined in coat::Mesh) | coat::Mesh | |
operator=(const Model &m) (defined in coat::Mesh) | coat::Mesh | |
plane(const vec3 ¢er=vec3::Zero, float sizeX=2, float sizeY=2, int divisionsX=2, int divisionsY=2, const vec3 &xAxis=vec3::AxisX, const vec3 &yAxis=vec3::AxisY) | coat::Mesh | static |
prim (defined in coat::Mesh) | coat::Mesh | friend |
raw_count (defined in coat::Mesh) | coat::Mesh | protected |
raw_start (defined in coat::Mesh) | coat::Mesh | protected |
Read(const char *name) | coat::Mesh | |
reduceToPolycount(int destination_triangles_count) | coat::Mesh | |
relax(float degree, bool tangent, float crease_angle=180) | coat::Mesh | |
removeFaces(const std::vector< int > &faces) | coat::Mesh | |
removeMaterial(int idx) | coat::Mesh | |
removeObject(int idx) | coat::Mesh | |
removeUnusedFaces() | coat::Mesh | |
removeUnusedObjectsAndMaterials() | coat::Mesh | |
removeUnusedVerts() | coat::Mesh | |
rotateToXYAxis(const vec3 &axisX, const vec3 &axisY) | coat::Mesh | |
rotateToYZAxis(const vec3 &axisY, const vec3 &axisZ) | coat::Mesh | |
rotateToZXAxis(const vec3 &axisZ, const vec3 &axisX) | coat::Mesh | |
setFaceMaterial(int faceIndex, int materialIndex) | coat::Mesh | |
setFaceNormalVertex(int faceIndex, int faceVertexIndex, int normalVertexIndex) | coat::Mesh | |
setFaceObject(int faceIndex, int objectIndex) | coat::Mesh | |
setFaceUvVertex(int faceIndex, int faceVertexIndex, int uvVertexIndex) | coat::Mesh | |
setFaceVerts(int face, const std::vector< int > &vertices) | coat::Mesh | |
setFaceVerts(int face, const list< int > &vertices) (defined in coat::Mesh) | coat::Mesh | |
setMaterialName(int idx, const std::string &name) | coat::Mesh | |
setMaterialTexture(int idx, int texture_layer, const std::string &texture_path) | coat::Mesh | |
setMesh(const comms::cMeshContainer &mesh) (defined in coat::Mesh) | coat::Mesh | inlineprotected |
setMeshFaces(const std::vector< int > &faces) | coat::Mesh | |
setMeshNormals(const std::vector< vec3 > &normals) | coat::Mesh | |
setMeshUVs(const std::vector< vec2 > &uvs) | coat::Mesh | |
setMeshVertices(const std::vector< vec3 > &positions) | coat::Mesh | |
setObjectName(int idx, const std::string &name) | coat::Mesh | |
setVertex(int idx, const vec3 &v) | coat::Mesh | |
setVertexNormal(int idx, const vec3 &v) | coat::Mesh | |
setVertexUV(int idx, const vec2 &v) | coat::Mesh | |
shell(float thickness_out, float thickness_in, int divisions=1) | coat::Mesh | |
sphere(const vec3 ¢er=vec3::Zero, float radius=1.0f, float detail_size=1) | coat::Mesh | static |
splitDisconnectedParts() | coat::Mesh | |
subtractFromVolume(Volume &v, const mat4 &transform=mat4::Identity) | coat::Mesh | |
symmetry(const vec3 &start, const vec3 &NormalDirection, bool resultInQuads) | coat::Mesh | |
text(const char *string, const char *font="tahoma", float height=10.0f, const vec3 ¢er=vec3::Zero, const vec3 &text_direction=vec3::AxisX, const vec3 &text_normal=vec3::AxisY, float thickness=1, int align=1) | coat::Mesh | static |
toVolume(Volume &v, const mat4 &transform=mat4::Identity, BoolOpType op=BOOL_MERGE) | coat::Mesh | |
transform(const mat4 &transform) | coat::Mesh | |
triangulate() | coat::Mesh | |
unifyAllObjects(const std::string &name="") | coat::Mesh | |
valid() const | coat::Mesh | |
validate_raws() (defined in coat::Mesh) | coat::Mesh | protected |
vertsCount() const | coat::Mesh | |
vertsNormalCount() const | coat::Mesh | |
vertsUvCount() const | coat::Mesh | |
weld(float minimal_relative_distance=0.0001f) | coat::Mesh | |
Write(const char *name) | coat::Mesh | |
~Mesh() (defined in coat::Mesh) | coat::Mesh |