1. General
    2. In/Out
    3. Viewport
    4. Brushing
    5. 3Dマウス
    6. Theme
    7. Tools
    8. Beta
    1. VerTexture
    2. KitBash
    3. Modeling
    4. ペイント
    5. レンダー
    6. リトポ
    7. Simplest
    8. 調整
    9. UV
    10. ボクセル
    1. ファイル
    2. 編集
    3. 表示
    4. テクスチャ
    5. 対称軸
    6. レイヤー
    7. フリーズ
    8. 隠す
    9. ウィンドウ
    10. スクリプト
    11. ヘルプ
    12. Geometry
    13. Mesh
    14. Bake
    15. Curves
    1. NavigationMenu
    2. CurvesMenu

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Run brush along projectionRun brush along projection
Fill inside in projectionFill the area within the current closed curve using current tool whenever possible.
Select/Freeze projection areaSelect/Freeze area within closed curves projection
Select/freeze in 3D space.Select/freeze area within closed curves in 3D space.
Freeze/Selection to curveFreeze/Selection to curve
Fill with mesh layerThe curve will be filled with the mesh inside. The new item in VoxTree will be created and the mesh will be placed there. Select the corresponding object in VoxTree to be able to change parameters like thickness, extrusion, smoothing. Delete the corresponding VoxTree element to stop filling the curve.
Attach tube or models arrayA pipe will be created alongside the curve. If you select the model in the Splines tab, that model will be placed along the curve instead of the pipe. In the Hierarchy tree a new object containing that mesh will appear. Select the corresponding layer so as to change the parameters, for example the number of objects along the curve, scale, density and so on.
Bend VolumeBend the object around the curve.
Swep profile along Giude CurveAlong seclected Giude Curve will be sweep profile. After appear "Tool Options dialog" You need select profile-curve. The new item in VoxTree will be created and the mesh will be placed there. Select the corresponding object in VoxTree to be able to change parameters like thickness, Angle, Twist-Angle, etc. Delete the corresponding VoxTree element to stop filling the curve.
Create Rotate SurfaceThe Rotate surface will be generated by revolution the selected profile around selected curve-axis. After appear "Tool Options dialog" You need select curve-axis. The new item in VoxTree will be created and the mesh will be placed there. Select the corresponding object in VoxTree to be able to change parameters like thickness, Angle, TwistAngle, etc. Delete the corresponding VoxTree element to stop filling the curve.
Create PolyhedronThe Polyhedron will be generated by revolution ang moving the selected profile around selected curve-axis. After appear "Tool Options dialog" You need select curve-axis. The new item in VoxTree will be created and the mesh will be placed there. Select the corresponding object in VoxTree to be able to change parameters like thickness, Quantity of facets, smoothing. Delete the corresponding VoxTree element to stop filling the curve.
Create Swept Surface 2 GuideThe Sweep Surfaces will be generated by by moving profile along 2 curve-guide. After appear "Tool Options dialog" You need select 2-d guide-curve and curve-profile. The new item in VoxTree will be created and the mesh will be placed there. Select the corresponding object in VoxTree to be able to change parameters like thickness, Quantity of facets, smoothing. Delete the corresponding VoxTree element to stop filling the curve.
Create Swept Surface 2 GenersThe Sweep Surface will be generated by by moving of 2 profiles along the selected guide-curve. After appear "Tool Options dialog" You need select curve-profile. The new item in VoxTree will be created and the mesh will be placed there. Select the corresponding object in VoxTree to be able to change parameters like thickness, Quantity of facets, smoothing. Delete the corresponding VoxTree element to stop filling the curve.
Create Swept Surface N GenersThe Sweep Surfaces will be generated by by moving N profiles along two curve-guide. After appear "Tool Options dialog" You need select 2-d guide and curve-profiles. The new item in VoxTree will be created and the mesh will be placed there. Select the corresponding object in VoxTree to be able to change parameters like thickness, Quantity of facets, smoothing. Delete the corresponding VoxTree element to stop filling the curve.
Create Profile Along GuideCreate Profile Along Guide
Snap to surfaceSnap curves to the surface.

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