Name | Description | HotKey |
| ||
| ||
| {CY}Convert to regular curve | |
| {CY}Edit primitive parameters | |
| Apply Curves | |
| Save curve... | |
| Find Offset | |
| Duplicate |
| Average plane | |
| Center mass + YZ - plane | |
| Center masss + ZX - plane | |
| Center mass + XY - plane | |
| YZ - plane | |
| ZX - plane | |
| XY - plane |
| This command adds self-intersection points to the curve. The intersection is also the case if the points on the curves in the space are located closer than the intersection tolerance value, by changing which you can get more or fewer intersection points. When you select "Split to segments", you get a subdivision of the curve into successive segments. When you select "Split to clusters", you get a subdivision of the curve into closed sub-clusters. | |
| This command performs the operations of intersection, union, and subtraction over curves. First of all intersection points of the curves are located, and then the operations are performed. The intersection tolerance regulates the number of intersection points. The intersection is considered to point lying at a distance less than this value. | |
| This command deletes the curve points so that the new curve is as similar as possible to the original curve. The number of points is controlled by the parameter "multiplier", which varies from 0 to 1. | |
| This command smooths the curve. A variable degree specifies the degree of smoothing, the larger the value, the more iterations of smoothing will be applied to the curve. Smoothing is done in two ways. The first method is averaging (check box "Simple average method" is active). Each point is replaced by the average value of this point and two adjacent points. The second method (check box "Simple average method" is not active) is that the curve is interpolated and the middle point is replaced by a point on the resulting curve. If the "Subdivide to uniform segments" check box is active, the curve is divided into segments of approximately the same length (this length can be adjusted with the help of the slider), and then smoothing is performed. | |
| This tool removes curve angles other than 180 degrees, replacing them with a circular arc of a given radius. If the option "Apply only to selected vertices" is selected, the operation will be performed at all selected vertices of the curve, regardless of the angle. If this option is not selected, then the operation is performed at all vertices of the curve, which the algorithm considers suitable. | |
| This command will add one point between every two points of the curve | |
| Reverse Curve Direction | |
| The operation removes the dependence on the curve from which it was obtained as a result of applying symmetry |
| スペーシングやジッターで曲線に沿ってブラシを走らせます。 | |
| Run brush along projection | |
| 筆圧がストロークに沿ってどう配分されるかを定義できます。 | |
| Fill the area within the current closed curve using current tool whenever possible. | |
| Select/Freeze area within closed curves projection | |
| Select/freeze area within closed curves in 3D space. | |
| Freeze/Selection to curve | |
| ||
| The curve will be filled with the mesh inside. The new item in VoxTree will be created and the mesh will be placed there. Select the corresponding object in VoxTree to be able to change parameters like thickness, extrusion, smoothing. Delete the corresponding VoxTree element to stop filling the curve. | |
| A pipe will be created alongside the curve. If you select the model in the Splines tab, that model will be placed along the curve instead of the pipe. In the Hierarchy tree a new object containing that mesh will appear. Select the corresponding layer so as to change the parameters, for example the number of objects along the curve, scale, density and so on. | |
| Bend the object around the curve. | |
| Along seclected Giude Curve will be sweep profile. After appear "Tool Options dialog" You need select profile-curve. The new item in VoxTree will be created and the mesh will be placed there. Select the corresponding object in VoxTree to be able to change parameters like thickness, Angle, Twist-Angle, etc. Delete the corresponding VoxTree element to stop filling the curve. | |
| The Rotate surface will be generated by revolution the selected profile around selected curve-axis. After appear "Tool Options dialog" You need select curve-axis. The new item in VoxTree will be created and the mesh will be placed there. Select the corresponding object in VoxTree to be able to change parameters like thickness, Angle, TwistAngle, etc. Delete the corresponding VoxTree element to stop filling the curve. | |
| The Polyhedron will be generated by revolution ang moving the selected profile around selected curve-axis. After appear "Tool Options dialog" You need select curve-axis. The new item in VoxTree will be created and the mesh will be placed there. Select the corresponding object in VoxTree to be able to change parameters like thickness, Quantity of facets, smoothing. Delete the corresponding VoxTree element to stop filling the curve. | |
| The Sweep Surfaces will be generated by by moving profile along 2 curve-guide. After appear "Tool Options dialog" You need select 2-d guide-curve and curve-profile. The new item in VoxTree will be created and the mesh will be placed there. Select the corresponding object in VoxTree to be able to change parameters like thickness, Quantity of facets, smoothing. Delete the corresponding VoxTree element to stop filling the curve. | |
| The Sweep Surface will be generated by by moving of 2 profiles along the selected guide-curve. After appear "Tool Options dialog" You need select curve-profile. The new item in VoxTree will be created and the mesh will be placed there. Select the corresponding object in VoxTree to be able to change parameters like thickness, Quantity of facets, smoothing. Delete the corresponding VoxTree element to stop filling the curve. | |
| The Sweep Surfaces will be generated by by moving N profiles along two curve-guide. After appear "Tool Options dialog" You need select 2-d guide and curve-profiles. The new item in VoxTree will be created and the mesh will be placed there. Select the corresponding object in VoxTree to be able to change parameters like thickness, Quantity of facets, smoothing. Delete the corresponding VoxTree element to stop filling the curve. | |
| Create Profile Along Guide | |
| ||
| ||
| Snap curves to the surface. |
| 閉じた曲線を描画します。 | |
| Show radiuses | |
| Lock Radius | |
| Show normals | |
| 法線の再計算をオブジェクトファイルの法線から直接使用しません。メッシュを細分化する際にはこのオプションは無視されます。 | |
| Show points | |
| Snap To Surfaces | |
| Keep In Plane | |
| Show length | |
| Assign the same (current) radius to all points of the curve. | |
| Change curve color |