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Posts posted by Lwmusings

  1. Our current workflow uses Lightwave's "object collapser" plugin which allows you to load multiple object files in as layers. We then save out one lwo with all the various objects as layer. Then load into 3dcoat and use the  "Merge to separate volumes" to get them as individual voxel layers. 

    Its a time intensive work around though, thanks to Lightwave's impressive slowness with loading high density meshes (and 2gb lwo file size limit). However it beats merging 30+ individual files into 3dcoat one at a time. The ideal would be to skip Lightwave and go straight to 3dcoat with a multiple file import.


  2. We're using exports of high density meshes from various CAD as well as Geomagic Freeform (stl and obj files). They support exporting individual parts as individual stl or obj files. We're then loading them into 3Dcoat to make use of the retopology and other tools in 3DCoat. Admittedly its a different workflow than found in typical animation oriented 3D software.

  3. Added a mantis feature request for this: http://3d-coat.com/mantis/view.php?id=1539

    I think it would be very beneficial if we could select and merge more than one object file at a time in the voxel room. Ideally it would work with the "Merge to separate volumes" option. (I know that it works with multi-layer lightwave files, but I don't always have the luxury of working with lwo files.)


    For example you select the "Merge" tool or choose "Merge Object" from the file menu while in the voxel room. Then click on the "Select Mesh" option, and instead of just being able to select one object file you select multiple files. The multiple files would be then imported as one voxel layer or if "Merge to separate volumes" is checked they would be merged to individual voxel layers.

    Feel free to add your thoughts. I know this feature with my current projects and workflow would save me a TON of time.

  4. Hello everyone,


    Long time lurker, just barely getting to posting. I'm looking into writing a shader for 3dcoat and wondering if I could get the communities help or advice?


    I'm using 3Dcoat to create models for plastic injection. The auto draft tool is nice for quickly eliminating undercuts but I'd like to create a shader that highlights areas of undercut for manual fixing. It would be very handy for initially picking the draft angle. For example you could designate the Z axis as the direction of the draft for the shader. You then rotate your model in space looking for the angle that will require the least modifications to the model.  It also helps identify places where a little tweak to the details of your model eliminates the "smearing" or "stretching" effects of the auto draft tool.

    It may sound a little complicated but the shader is actually very simple. I created a surface that does it in openGL with Lightwave using simple gradients.


    All that is needed is a shader that colors the model based off the direction the normals are facing. For example triangles facing Z- would get tinted a red hue and triangles facing Z+ would get tinted a green hue. Triangles that are very near perpendicular to the z axis ideally get shaded both (yellow). This would require an angle of tolerance, which could be hardcoded in the shader.

    So I guess my first question would be does that sound achievable? And if so does anyone know any good places to learn HL Shading Language to help me get started?

  5. Hey Guys, been lurking for a while. First time posting.


    Is there a way to extrude a shape along a spline / path? I'd love to be able to extrude say a square along a spline path. Or a diamond along a path.


    Thanks for any tips on how to do it!

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