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Posts posted by MichaelT

  1. Today I find that 3dcoat is no longer on steam.. no word.. no nothing.. zip.. gone...nothing about moving licenses to here from steam, no upgrades no word at all.

    I did pay full price for this after all.. and I've used and love this tool for nearly a decade. So I am quite surprised as to what may have been behind this abrupt shift?

    So what is going on here?


    Best regards/



  2. No I didn't hear anything... they probably were too busy anyway :) Which is understandable. Regardless, it works for me now, so it really isn't such an issue any longer. But now I am more curious, because I was under the assumption that you could use the key from Steam. Apparently I cannot .. or could not when I did it at any rate. It might well be because the system wasn't in place yet as well. Still, I hope it got their attention, because it doesn't hurt to have a clear point on that, so that customers understand how it works. As a mere suggestion that is :)


  3. Hi guys,

    I've mailed you guys about it, but never heard anything back. I have the professional version (4.5) on Steam. And I followed the directions in the FAQ on this site, to use the version you provide here instead. But the key shows up as being 'educational'?? First time I saw that I was shocked. But since uninstalling the serial works to get back to Steam again, I got a bit calmer. But how can a professional key show up as being educational? That can't be right. What can be done?


    Best regards/



  4. Apparently there is a limit on my posts (as why, is another question) regardless... If I create a new project I can set any size I want. If I try to use an old project it says 4096 (etc..) - disabled when trying to change it. weird.



    carlosan: Thanks.. will do. First I will dig deeper into this as to find as much as possible. :)
  5. Hello Guys,


    I'm using Windows 10 and some menus seem to be not doing anything at all. Like when I try clicking on Help. Some only seem to work sometimes.. like edit->Mesh & Texture. I also am unable to change texture resolution to anything over 2048.. despite having the pro license (from steam) maybe I am missing a step, but it doesn't seem to matter from where I try changing the texture size. It still seems to be stuck to the free version limit.


    In any case, my point is that I get the feeling the program is erratic in Windows 10. Sometimes I can export textures, but in the beginning I could not.


    So my question is, is this something you are aware of? Because it is quite troublesome not being able to use textures above 2048 (in my particular case) Here is hoping I don't stumble on the missing step I didn't take, right after posting this.. I have a bad habit of doing that ;)


    Best regards/



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