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Petar Ivanček

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Posts posted by Petar Ivanček

  1. Hello again!

    Unfortunately I cannot get this to work. Last night I was on OSX and got the results described above.

    Today, at work (Windows) I cannot reproduce the steps with the same results.

    Can someone point me (or describe) the actual steps of getting the displacement out and back in using the same mesh in 3D coat? I tried that, to eliminate the potential mess of external application, but it also doesn't work.

    Help me solve this, I don't want an entire team using that software abomination called Zbrush.

  2. HI, and thanks for the FAST reply.

    The reason why a posed model is sculpted is because some muscles, tendons and other stuff (clothes) behave differently when in rest pose (either T or A) and when in "action" pose. We model secondary forms unposed and then do tertiary forms (skin folds, muscle bulges etc) when the pose is decided on.

    Regarding your answer involving PP. I will try it, but, doesn't in only do surface bumps?

    Or to ask it differently: How can I get actual surface change with a normal map?

    Or are you saying I should bake Displacement with PP? - the tooltip says "Baking displacement with PP may produce bad results, because PP does not work well with displacement" :D

  3. Hello all!

    I have been trying to integrate 3D Coat into our production pipeline for days now and I am running out of ideas.

    Here is the pipeline

    1. High poly sculpt is created [3D Coat]

    2. Retopo mesh and UV-s are generated [3D Coat]

    3. This retopo mesh is sent of to animators for posing [external application]

    4. High poly details are projected back to a posed retopo mesh [3D Coat]

    5. This new, high poly mesh is imported back into sculpt room for final detail pass [3D Coat]

    6. The same posed mesh is used as a retopo and tweaked to match the new posed sculpt [3D Coat]

    7. Both high poly and retopo mesh are exported [3D Coat] for map baking and texturing [external application]


    Some considerations before you answer

    1. The Pose tool cannot be used as there are MANY iterations on a pose before a client decides which one to finalise

    2. Displacement, vector displacement and depth maps exported from a Paint Room (MV Bake) produce a substantial detail loss, both in external applications and 3D Coat.

    3. However, there are so many import/export options that I might be easily missing forrest for the trees.

    4. If there is a better workflow for the task, I would love to hear it!


    Thanks for your time, I would really appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction.

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