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Dextra Visual

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Posts posted by Dextra Visual

  1. Hello folks. Does anyone know of a way to simultaneously paint onto similar obects in a model? I have a pattern to apply to the columns in the picture but I don't really want to paint the pattern on every single column individually.

    In blender I would have them share a UV space and as I paint one object, they are all painted at the same time. I render out the image/animation with screen space effects. Job done. This time the client actually wants the baked 3d model for colour printing. I have hundreds of columns that need an identical detailed pattern and AO baking applied but I can't bake AO across the whole model with a shared UV space. Does anyone know a way around this?



  2. Silas Merlin.  This just hides the sharp edges. Edge loop tools are still hindered by the sharp edge presence.  I have to use and older version of 3dcoat to unwrap and then import to a new version to use the recent features. I'm stuffed when I need to make changes the UV map though. 

  3. Hi Pickers, thanks for the reply.  I tried the retopo room trick but when I go back to the UV room, there is still sharp edges. Also, the paint room uvs now don't match the retopo room uvs.

    I don't use or need the retopo room and these extra steps and hoops to clear sharp edges in the UV room seems like a workflow regression in a package that deals with uv mapping.

    Older versions didn't place sharp edges automatically on importing from blender.

    It was the great uv room unwrapping that made me pick 3dcoat over substance painter as it reduced workflow steps. Now I am unwrapping in blender again so the advantage of 3dcoat over substance is gone.

    Basically, the UV room just needs a delete sharp option. Or at least let the edge loop ignore the sharp edges so I don't have to select hundreds of edges one by one when making seams.


    Sorry for the rant.

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