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Cufas Arts

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Posts posted by Cufas Arts

  1. Your LW shouldn't take too long I started a job at a studio one day and they didn't have an extra copy for me so they ordered one that day and I started on my laptop. 2 days later I come in in the morning and the IT guy hands me a box and says "this is for you". Of course it was the LW and I had to install it. :mellow:

    I agree on your other points. No saving is just stupid. Interestingly I read an interview with someone at Adobe a while back where he said that they don't really care about the individuals pirating Photoshop, it's the big studios that bothers them. Of course that is very different from Andrew and Pilgway.

    Oh I understand that, and it must be very galling when you are putting in so much effort. Clearly what is a mere irritation to the major players can really effect the cash flow for the independent. The trouble is people do not see it as theft, the guys that routinely do this would not walk into their local software store and shop-lift the same item from the shelves; no that would seem like a crime. :unsure:

    I just wonder if the time and effort spent trying to prevent cyber theft actually offers any pay-back; or if spending the same same resource in advertising or product development would offer a better ROI. Of course I don't know the cost involved on the security side, but I guess good security is not inexpensive. :mellow:

    Heh I hope you are right about the LW - I am not the most patient of people when waiting for my new toys ;)

  2. There is no such thing as a finished application - unless it is dead in the water.

    I use C6Pro - great for internal renders; I also use Vue 6i fantastic for external work are either of them bug free? Nope. Application choice is subjective and I have just downloaded and gone through all the 3D demo's I could for my new project - MAX2009, XSI, Modo302, C4D...

    Guess wat I just bought? Lightwave and LWCAD - based on what I want to do rather than some sparkly marketing or advanced capability I will never use but I may hope will make me look cool.

    The very thought - me look cool LOL!

  3. Well as a very new user I would prefer it not to be hardware tied - but in these days of large usb sticks it isn't the issue it once was - I can move files around with ease. I'm waiting for LW and my dongle to arrive...

    Defeat piracy - nope not possible - I have some sympathy for people when there are outrageous price tags and no PLE's. But 3D Coat is hardly expensive (in particular as we are talking 3D ware). The other issues (in general) is save disabling demo's - very bad idea - who in their right mind is going to create someting in a 3D app and then wave it goodbye.

    Clearly there has to be some form of protection. But as we all know we could download cracked versions of virtually any of the current crop of releases with ease. If the likes of Adobe, Autodesk etc get ripped off so easily - with all the resources they have - it really is unavoidable.

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