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Posts posted by funshark

  1. 3D-coat really needs a better brush collection system with a possibility to modify and save ALL the parameters linked to a brush.

    Actually I ALWAYS need to reselect the right brush pressure preset ( make a preset just for this is not a good idea ) and sometimes, I forget I'm not on the right one and start to paint with wrong settings.

    The actual Brushes images must be included in a real complete Brush Preset panel ( with Options and pressure settings ) with the possibility to name each preset, preview the resulting brush, and ordering them into folders.

    Some cleaning need to be done in the Options settings too, since some parameters are useless or outdated.

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  2. Please set mesh resolution to 4M and texture size 2K x 2K and you will get much better result.

    There is per vertex on the patch painting, so mesh resolution is important.

    Ok, the 4M resolves the thing...

    I had lowered the mesh resolution because i thought i don't need so much poly since it's a low poly work and i want to see precise uv on tri .

    Why this choice?

  3. ok.

    I can't find how to change texture resolution to have better result.

    I have tried :

    - View > Uv-sets manager

    - Edit > Change mesh and texture resolution

    My texture is 2048*2048. It's the same in the two panels above. Nothing to change.

    So, for me it's still a bug.

    Plus, when i'm using colorpicker or brush on the mesh, the interpolated pixels under move crazily. It's obvious there is something with the texture rendering here.

    I'm on a computer equipped by a geforce quadro with last drivers and i've tried both openGL and directX exe > same results.

    Or maybe there is a fancy option to activate somewhere?

  4. Do you use an Hypernurbs (to smooth the model) modifier with Bodypaint ?

    If you use some, what kind of Uv smoothing do you use ?

    In 3d coat, wkat kind of Uv smooting did you select, when you loaded the model ?

    I don't use anything specific in bodypaint. I open my mesh in maya and then i switch to bodypaint thanks to the plugin.

    Then i deactivate all the fancy stuffs like lighting, to have better perception of colors.

    It's a low poly mesh on the screencap; around 1800 tri.

    In 3D coat, i'm using the default options. There is anything to do to have better rendering? If so, it's weird :)

  5. I create one topic for all my suggestions since it's more easy to follow.


    || BUGS ||

    || FEATURES ||

    - Ability to close each opened window with a click on a cross button

    - A single window for brushes parameters, and an other one for presets. Actually we have some parameters on the top and some on the right, and presets we cannot change on the left. A bit too complicated.

    - Having Cursor image changing when we activate the color picker ( to understand we are using it ).

    - Separate, into the menu bar on the top, things related to the 3D view rendering and things about windows hiding/showing.

    - Possibility to switch between linear interpolation and no interpolation for texture. ( Like in the pic above )


    Feel free, any of you, to comment any of my lines, please. I want to know what people think.

  6. Diid you chose in the stroke menu (1rst icon on the left tray) the right kind of stroke ?

    Yep, but at the beginning, i thought that all the parameters belong to brush were on the right.

    This is confusing to have some parameters on the right, and some others on the left and on the top. We cannot create a complete solid brushes with all parameters fixed together. :'(

  7. Hi,

    I'm new here and i'm totally with Emilio Le Roux.

    I am one of these game artists who are tired of painting most part of the textures in photoshop or others painting software, and still waiting for the perfect one to achieve this.

    I've tried all the softs i could find ( deep paint, bodypaint, enzo 3D, and some underground one.. )

    They all have great features but not enough to be used in a production environment.

    I knew 3D coat a few months ago and give it a real try with the 2.10 release.

    Result : Beside the fact than the interface is very very confusing ( i really hope this point will be enhanced ), i've tried since 2 days to create one brush with opacity ( depth? ) pressure only >> fail ! :)

    I, too, really really want something similar to photoshop ( i mean "simple as" ) with possibility to create custom brushes with pressure informations inside.


    3D coat is not so far to become the best 3D painting tool if these options are added and if the interface is reworked

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