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Posts posted by Daniel

  1. Ок.

    Стоит, пожалуй, начать с того, что дисплейсмент и нормал мапу нужно "рисовать" в Paint комнате, а не в Скульпте (можно и в скульпте, но там нужно будет запекать текстуры). Второе, это то, что дисплейсмент лучше делать в режиме Microvertex, а не Per Pixel (хотя опять-таки можно и из per pixel вытянуть).

    Итак, загружаем нашу модель с готовой ЮВ-шкой в режим Microvertex. Устанавливаем желаемое разрешение текстур (скажем, 2048х2048). Устанавливаем в окошке Millions of polygons число равное произведению ширины на длинну текстуры (в нашем случае примерно 4 миллиона полигонов (можно чуть больше)). В окне Carcass resolution выбираем степень подразбивки полигонов (первая строчка - без подразбивки, вторая - одна ступень подразбивки, и т.д.). Жмем ОК.

    Рисуем, что хотим. Потом либо идем в File ->Export->Export Model, либо в Textures->Export->а тут на выбор (для дисплейсмента попробуйте Displacement Map of visible layers).

    Пробуйте, пишите отзывы

  2. ах, вон оно что, значит триал, понял спасибо

    Хотелось бы немного поправить Стаса. Триальная версия полнофункциональна в течении 30 дней, после этого работает в демо-режиме:

    Trial version is fully functional during 30 days!

    After this period you can use it in demo mode:

    -all export functions are disabled

    -limitation on quantity of layers per object, maximum 7 layers allowed

    -maximum texture size is 2048x2048

    А что касается дисплейсмента, то его лучше "рисовать" в режиме Microvertex. То, что изображено на скриншоте вообще режим скульптинга, а не текстурирования (это разные вещи). Может опишите подробно, что вы делаете, а мы вас поправим


  3. Hi Bin,

    1. First of all you must realize that in the Paint Room you actually paint the details as displacement or/and normal map texture. So, the resolution is determined by texture's resolution that you choose in the prompt window (the higher the resolution the finer small details will be). That means you don't have to subdivide the mesh actually. The carcass resolution is mesh' resolution that you see in the viewport. The problem may be in that you don't see the detail high-res enough. Well, you may try View->Adjust Subpatching->Show polygons as is (checkbox).

    2. Will answer more detailed soon...

    3. If you have such situation try this:

  4. Hello j33p, and welcome to the community!

    Keep your eye on this thread http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7308&st=60 - you may post your questions and requests here.

    As for your question, try to do what the manual says:


    Unzip the archive.

    Copy 3dc_applink_gui_GN.lcs, 3dc_applink_autoimport_GN.lcs and 3dc_applink_autocreate_GN.lsc files to some folder on your HDD, C:\Program Files\NewTek\LightWave10.0\support\plugins\scripts for example, or any other folder you're using for scripts. In LightWave (Layout), hit "Add Plugins" button, browse to the directory where you saved *.lcs files and add them one by one. To add UI buttons, select "Edit Menu Layout" from the "Edit" menu of Layout, find 3D-Coat AppLink, 3D-Coat (Auto-Import) and 3D-Coat (Setup Auto-Import) items on the left side and drag them to the prefered location on the right side. Now you can use this buttons to run AppLink scripts from LightWave Layout UI.



    In LightWave Layout choose mesh you want to edit in 3D-Coat, then run AppLink UI by hitting

    3D-Coat AppLink button you've created, or by using LScript/RT and selecting 3dc_applink_GN.lcs file. In AppLink GUI, select "Import from 3D-Coat" or "Export to 3D-Coat" button, set needed options and hit OK. Check "Run 3D-Coat" if you want 3D-Coat application to autostart and import your mesh. If you're using other then default 3D-Coat installation, choose custom folder via "Program Folder" field and DX/DX64/GL/GL64 buttons in AppLink export dialog.

    DX = 3D-CoatDX.exe, DX64 = 3D-CoatDX64.exe, GL = 3D-CoatGL.exe GL64 = 3D-CoatGL64.exe

    Switch to 3D-Coat, "import object" will pop up, set your options, hit OK and edit imported mesh to your heart content. When done, hit File -> Open in original app in 3D-Coat main menu.

    Now switch back to LightWave, run AppLink and select 'Import from 3D-Coat' button to

    bring edited mesh with textures and maps created in 3D-Coat back to LightWave.

    You can repeat the whole process as many times as needed.


    Usage (Auto-Import):

    Now you can send meshes to LightWave straight from 3D-Coat, by using File -> Export to -> LightWave menu in 3D-Coat.

    LightWave will be started if needed, to get geometry and textures you've exported from 3D-Coat

    via File -> Export to -> LightWave menu hit 3D-Coat (Auto-Import) button or run 3dc_applink_autoimport_GN.lcs

    script if you have not added 3D-Coat (Auto-Import) button to the UI for some reason.


    To use File -> Export to -> LightWave feature from 3D-Coat, you should create files needed for this feature to work,

    you can do this by hitting 3D-Coat (Setup Auto-Import) button or run 3dc_applink_autocreate_GN.lsc

    script if you have not added 3D-Coat (Setup Auto-Import) button to the UI for some reason.



    Uncheck "Enable Disp" if you're replacing mesh with Bump Displacement on it enabled! If you're not replacing old mesh (Replace Mesh checkbox off) or replacing mesh without Bump Displacement on it, leave "Enable Disp" checkbox on...



    Do not uncheck "Get Maps Back" and "Get Mesh Back" checkboxes for now, they may behave in unexpected way. I will try to fix in to enable selective updates (only mesh, only textures or both) in the next few days, or i will remove this checkboxes from UI if it is imposible to get them to work correctly...

    ... just apply it to Mac. I'm not an Mac user, but someone got it installed!

  5. Привет, Арбуз :)

    Работает это след. образом. Допустим ты что-то скульптанул на левой или правой части и теперь хочешь симметрично это скопировать. Включаешь симметрию (до этого она была выключена, разумеется) и жмешь Symm copy. Она скопирует ту часть, которая была модифицирована последней.

    Пробуй! Удачи!

  6. I didn't understand about your Graphic card. Is it integrated?

    Did you try to paint with simple brush (with red color, for example) on 4096x4096 map? How is it?

    Do you make UV-sets yourself, or automatically in 3D-Coat (that may explain "low res" feel).

    What size are those images that you are projecting color from? Maybe post them here with your model in OBJ


  7. Hi Vincent,

    Could you specify what are you doing exactly and where the problem starts:

    1) Does it work fine inside 3DC?

    2) What mode are you working in (per-pixel, microvertex)?

    3) What export settings do you use?

    4) What happens inside LW exactly?

    And finally, try the latest build from here

    Thanks, and welcome aboard :)

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