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Found 2 results

  1. Is it possible to work in CMYK instead of RGB in 3dCoat? I need to print the images in CMYK and don't wish to deal with transforming RGB to CMYK, nor the art of CALIBRATION to achieve the CYMK.
  2. Hi Everyone, I am very new to 3D Coat and digital design but have more or less worked out how to make 3D Coat do what I need it to do. There are a few things though that I would like to refine relating to colour and texture mapping. I find the user manual pretty vague on this so i'm hoping someone here can give me some pointers. I am using 3D Coat Paint tools to colour a blank 3D model obtained from a laser scanner, then exporting that model to print on a full colour 3D printer. My workflow is pretty basic, I import the .STL model file using 3D Coat's "Import for vertex painting" function. I then go to the paint tools and just use the paint brush to colour everything (I don't use layers or anything, just paint straight onto the model), then export the model as a .PLY file so I have a printable colour 3D file. Most of my files come out with my intended colours when I 3D print them, though there are some that are way off. This is due to 3D Coat using RGB colours and my printer only using CMY (no K) I know this is a problem many graphic designers face when 2D printing but not sure if it can be applied to 3D? Is there a way in 3D Coat to get it to display a version of CMY colours so I can get an idea of what I am going to print? I know about computer monitors only displaying RGB but is there a sort of simulated version of CMY it can do? I have noticed in the "Textures"->"Adjust"->"Transform color space" tool in 3D Coat that I can set the Red to Magenta, Green to Yellow and Blue to Cyan, but when I click Apply nothing changes. If I can't get 3D Coat to adjust the colours on the 3D model, my next option is to export the texture map and have a go at altering it in Photoshop. The problem with this is I can't work out how to export a texture map that I have painted, I just end up with a black square. Is there a way to do this for models I have created in this way? Looking forward to your replies. Thanks!
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