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Found 3 results

  1. When entering serial from Steam into ordinary install of 3d-coat 4.5.19 it launches the website with a message about succesfull activation, but the app itself collapses and is not activated when launched again.
  2. Hallo, also ich habe folgendes Problem: folgendes Problem habe ich mit 3D-Coat (erst dachte ich das ist ein Bug von 3D-Coat, als ich es aber unter Kubuntu testete funktionierte alles gut), wenn ich STRG-Z (für Rückgängig machen) drücke, geschieht nix. Bei STRG-S (für speichern) schon. Woran kann das liegen? Danke, und Gruß!
  3. BUILD: v4.00.BETA9C (GL64), nonCUDA OS: Linux Ubuntu 12.04 (precise) 64bit, kernel 3.2.0-35.generic, Gnome 3.4.2 HARDWARE & DRIVER: nVidia GeForce 6600 GT, nVidia driver version 295.40 BUG DESCRIPTION: The shaders in Voxel room are not showing in the pallete. It is probably related with the problem causing the models made in the stable version of 3D-Coat (3.7.18F) and opened or merged into the Beta version being without a shader (not visible in Smooth Shade Views), but only in case when any shader got applied in the stable version. When no shader change has been made in stable version, the object appears in Beta, but still without apperance of the shader (and still without Shaders in pallete in voxel room). Curious thing is, that if I save from stable version a file with two objects and load it into Beta, they are displayed (although without apperance of the shader) as long as one of them still has no any shader applied. When both of them has a shader applied (even back to Default shader), they are not dispayed at all in Beta using Smooth Shade Views (in Voxel room). Even though they are still correctly visible in Relief Only, Flat Shade and Specular Only View. In Paint and Retopo rooms the affected objects are rendered with a lot of artefacts (when a voxel object) or as semi-transparent dark objects without any shading when the object has a paint on it (when a suface object). I hope I described it comprehensively. I'm available for any further tests or to make more in-detail description of the issue. Thanks! STEPS TO REPRODUCE: 1. Launch Linux version 3.7.18F (GL64) and make an object in Voxel room and apply any Shader to it. 2. Launch Linux version 4.00.BETA9C (GL64), notice lack of shaders in Shaders pallete. Load the file from step 1. 3. See the object in different rooms and in different views.
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