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Found 2 results

  1. Hi, can anyone help?! So I've been working on a character for a while and I've just finished texturing it in 3DCoat. I have had to work on it in 3 different 3Dcoat files (Body, Armour and Boot) so my machine can handle it. I've wanted to move it in to blender to start rigging and add hair particles, so I've been using the 3DCoat Blender app link. For the most part it works perfectly accept for some certain objects. As you can see from the photos I've uploaded below in blender, the knuckle guards parts of the skin and the belt have weird texture errors. However when you look at them in 3dCoat there doesn't seem to be any errors. I've uploaded images of my export to blender settings to see if that could be the issue. Can anyone see what's causing this error and how to fix?! Much Appreciated
  2. Hello everyone, I was just wondering if there was a recommended iPhone app that could be used to read and interact with the 3D-Coat forums? Most of the time I currently just read the 3D-Coat forums on my iPhone in the "Full Version" mode. I don't like the automatic mobile version of the website because of its limited functionality in comparison with the full version. But I also don't particularly like using the full version because it is too big for my little iPhone screen, and I have to constantly zoom in and out to read things. I'm guessing that the best way to read (and post) on the forum with my iPhone would be to use some kind of special forum app, but I don't know which one works best. I'd like one which was easy to use for logging in and posting, and if I could also upload images, that would be wonderful! I have heard of an app called Tapatalk, but I am a little reluctant to try it without someone recommending it first. Is Tapatalk the one I should use for the 3D-Coat forums?
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