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Found 7 results

  1. Hey everyone, I've been doing daily sculpts and so far I've kept my work completely in 3D Coat. And, rendering in 3D Coat just isn't cutting it anymore (for what I'm trying to do, I think it is a nice feature overall). I want to get my work into Cinema 4D and render with Octane. Basically, I want to do a High Poly sculpt, texture it, and then get it into C4D. Automapping High Poly sculpts in 3D Coat often leaves me with a lot of seams. So, any tips to help with that would be appreciated. And, I also have a very hard time getting the auto re-topology working. Here is my current best idea: 1. Create new layer and merge visible to get all my sculpting layers to one layer. Then, smooth/fill problem areas. Export as OBJ. 2. Use Decimatation Master in ZBrush. Export OBJ. 3. Go Back to 3D Coat and map the UVs. Export OBJ. 4. Export the High Poly sculpt from 3D Coat and then go to Knald to bake Height/Displacement, AO, Curvature, and whatever else I might need to the Low Poly OBJ. 5. Go Back 3D Coat for painting textures. (optional before painting: Bake the shaders I used during sculpting to the low poly - which works decently) 6. Export to Cinema 4D. This workflow gives me decent results without losing too much of my original detail. But I wonder if there's a better workflow. I want good results, but my priority is definitely speed. I'm doing sculpts everyday, and adding too much to my workflow will only wear me out. IDEALLY, my steps would be: 1. Sculpt in 3D Coat 2. Paint on High Poly Sculpt in 3D Coat 3. Magically Export High Poly, painted sculpt to C4D So, please help me find a way to get my High Poly painted sculpt into C4D as quick and dirty as possible (well, not too dirty). I also invite you to check my stuff out: https://www.instagram.com/count.joshula/ Thanks for reading! -Josh
  2. Hello, I have imported test model from C4D with many poly-objects inside, they all have materials across, let's say each model has general materials such as wood, chrome, black plastic, etc. So I was unwrapping it, it's all good in 3D-Coat, I did unwrap, I saw good UV island, but when I export to C4D, all objects have multiple UV tags, C4D and Unreal Engine doesn't support multiple UV tags for lighting and texturing. How to export so I going to have one solid UV tag not many separated, please help! p.s. would be good to have autro-map for many objects with option not-single-material, because right now it's only doing one UV for multiple-objects, doesn't respect Separate-Materials.
  3. I made this because i didnt want to figure this out over and over again, so i condensed my findings into an info-graphic and posted it online for everyone. All the info below is copied into the info-graphic, and its all you need. If you want to see some of my 3d coat work check out my Artstation: LEDs This shows you a great starting point to translate 3D-Coat textures over to the Cinema 4D Arnold render. I attempted to Contain all the information you need in the info graphic. I think its important to point out that 3d coats painting is focused on the game engine style official "PBR" algorithms. Arnold (and alShaders) aren't build off the exact same "PBR" shading standard and so it will never translate perfectly. However, from an artists perspective, its entirely usable and can get great results. Key Note: PBR generates much of its shading from dynamic reflection probes, HDRs and other cool tricks, most matte materials are still reflective somewhat, but very blurry to simulate light. This means the matte areas of the Arnold material have this quality too, reflections above zero, which is inefficient in the Arnold sampling world and leaves some more grain. A better shader setup is definitely possible with more mixing and more maps output from 3d-coat.
  4. I run into a problem with my export from 3dCoat to Cinema 4d. Seams appear at my island's borders and i don't know what to do about it (you can see it in the very last screenshot below). It probably is a step i haven't took in 3DC (i'm really new to topology & uv stuff so it might a simple mistake on my side). I've made some screenshots about the steps i take to prepare in 3DC and export to C4D. If some C4D users are here & are used to exporting from 3DC to C4D, thanks for confirming (or not) that my workflow is ok. I use 3ds max preset for importing OBJ's in C4D, otherwise UVs are messed up.
  5. Hi ! I'm learning 3dcoat & have a problem understanding how to retopo a hard surface humanoid model for exporting & animating in C4D. I'm confused because it seems I lose all the fine details that i've been able to sculpt in 3dc. All those sharp edges precisely. I'd like to export it to Obj for rigging & animating in C4D. So, i understand i should make a low poly export with uvs, normal map etc...but if my model lose sharpness, should i edit edges in C4D again ? (which would be kind of annoying). Or should i make a not-so-low-poly model and in this case what's a good poly count ? If anyone has suggestions or ideas, tutorials about this topic, thanks ! Here's an example of a model i'd like to rig :
  6. I don't use 3DCoat but I'm a Cinema 4D veteran and, some time ago, a ZBrush/3DCoat/Cinema 4D user contacted me to know if I could create a way to make Cinema 4D use the polypaint information that is included in the .OBJ files exported from ZBrush and 3DCoat. So, I created a set of tools to deal with that missing feature in Cinema 4D. But, in the process, I created much more that just a tool to load RGB information from .OBJ files. I created tools that allow for the loading, saving, creation and editing of true Vertex/poly painting on any editable mesh. My plugin reads RGB information stored inside .OBJ files saved in zBrush/3DCoat or meshlab format. It also allows to save .OBJ files (in ZBrush/3DCoat format) that include that RGB information. The same for .FBX files (in version 6.x, ASCII format). But true Vertex/Poly painting can be created from scratch too. Check out these videos I created while developing the plugins: And this is the promo video: I'm getting ready to produce a longer demo movie, showing how all tools works. So, now there is a better bridge between 3DCoat and Cinema 4D. Before, only mesh data was available. Now, even PolyPaint colors can be swapped in and out of Cinema 4D. Let me know what you guys think Rui Batista
  7. Hey guys, Just wondering... After doing a retopo of my model in 3DC and bringing it into C4d, placing it under a HyperNurbs,.... ooops SubdivisionSurface, I loose part of my Volume of course. Simplest thing to do, is to use the brush and go over the shrinked parts, I normaly use a high density exported version from the voxel room and place it at the same place as my retopo-ed version but with a different color. That way I can check which parts needs to be corrected in order to have the same shape/volume as my voxel version. I'm curious to know how other people deal with this, maybe there is a more clever way of doing this. Thanks, Robert
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