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  1. I would post this in the appropriate forum section but I don't seem to have the permission to create a topic there. There was a similar feature request from 2014 on Trello here: https://3dcoat.com/mantis/view.php?id=1102 This request is for UDIMs(which 3DCoat doesn't seem to officially support and treats as additional UV sets). We have a 1MB FBX asset, when imported It uses around 40GB of RAM to support 20 UDIMs at 4k. We'd like to work with 8k but the way 3D Coat seems to handle this is keep all textures in memory even if no colour data is painted on or loaded in via textures? We already have the 8k textures from an external bake and would like to bring these in to do some post work with 3D Coats tools, the required amount of memory is a bit of an issue. This feature request is about importing multiple textures at once(our UDIMs), if 3D Coat supported UDIM layouts properly it should be able to easily infer the appropriate textures for each UV set(which is named by it's UDIM ID in our case). All that needs to happen is provide a list of textures or a folder containing them, remove the extension from the file and look at the last 4 numbers for the UDIM IDs to match their UV set. I considered trying to implement this via the Angelscript support, but did not see any information on how to perform these actions with the docs I came across? Additionally to handle memory issues, would it be possible for 3D Coat to allow a disk cache/scratchdisk to be set by a user to write/read the individual textures from and to until the user actions a save? This way 3D Coat could perhaps use a format where it only reads in the mipmap data of an appropriate resolution or separate files only keeping textures in memory when they're in the viewport and proxying others based on viewport culling or screen/viewport size, ie 512 or 1024 px maps could be used elsewhere on the model data, and keep memory usage down, only presenting/using actual texture when applying paint or some other conditions? I'm not sure how the software Mari or others might approach it but it'd be great to use 3D Coat for this workflow. We have one asset with 100 UDIMs that just wouldn't be possible to work with in 3D Coat beyond setting very low texture texture resolution and manually adjusting the size and textures loaded in. Is there a way to fund features/priority in any way? I can understand this may not be as useful/valuable to the existing 3D Coat userbase much, it could attract a new community of users that do have these needs.
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