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Normal map and curvature map problem


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I have sculpted a model with high voxel density. After sculpting, I did manual retopology with fair amount of polygons. After the retopo, I uv mapped the low poly model manually. After I bake the normal map I see some horizontal lines just above the blade. I used default shader for baking. At first I didn't even notice these but when I calculate the curvature map and turn the curvature map visible, the horizontal lines become more noticeable. There is also some other distortion around the model in the curvature map. I tried calculating the curvature map with default settings and I also tried different settings but the distortion around the model is still visible. These distortions also affect the smart materials, so this is why I would like to solve this problem. I tried baking using Blender and Unreal presets and in 4k and 2k, but nothing changed.

(I noticed when I hid the low poly model and I recalculated the curvature map on the high poly model the distortions were gone. I tried to bake the better looking curvature map from the high poly model and apply it on the low poly model, but the look of the curvature map is again distorted.)


Here is the high poly model. I applied the metal shader for showcasing that there isn't any distortion on the model.Cleaver_6.thumb.jpg.95cc4010b69c6faf2127c1ebcb3721ea.jpg

Here is the low poly model with uvs applied


Here you can see the horizontal lines above the blade after I baked the normals.Cleaver_4.thumb.jpg.90464d20cf5a37f2245fbd10e7d98850.jpg

Here is the curvature map applied. You can see all kinds of distortion around the model and now the horizontal lines are more noticeable.

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Tried to use that other baking setting but the result of the curvature map looks the same. Cleaver.thumb.jpg.560531ecd5285ba74fc7c173104f4298.jpg

I took another picture where I used only the fill tool with 100% metal and 10% roughness,  so I didn't use any smart materials. Even without the need of curvature map the normals looks distorted, especially around the hole. But in the texture view on the right showing the normal map, the surface looks smooth.

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Then you need to manually edit Scan Depth in and out values using Scan depth altering tools command.

Or adding new seams just above the blade.

probably the in and out scan depth overlap generating bad bakes.



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I already edited both of the scan depths and have done it before with my other projects, so I believe I understand the principle behind it. I tried baking with the maya setting also, which I applied from the preferences menu but that didn't make any difference. I also added couple more support edges near the sharp edges but that didn't help either. The only thing that got me smooth curvature map, was that I subdivided the whole mesh so I got double the polygons I had before. But then again, it wasn't so "low poly" anymore. The polygon amount was over 7000 after the subdivision.

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I checked the units, it was on mm and I changed it on cm and measured the model and it was over 250cm long, so I don't think it's too small.Curvature.thumb.jpg.7df59d78e0e982510f19d27f5ad1bf03.jpg

Here's another curvature bake with wireframe enabled. I think some of those lines are weird because they don't even seem to follow the topology.. They just seem random lines. I just watched another normal baking video and I believe I'm doing everything right.

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