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Posts posted by artman

  1. Try to pull a line into a nice, even circle using the distort brush, for example. It might work, but it'll take a long time, and you'll have to do a lot of brushing and pulling to eliminate unwanted distortions because its only possible to transform (move) the elements of the image, not rotate them.

    there is image along spline  tool that is really good to make even circles or closed shapes, i I use it on fabrics with laces,paisley and ropes all the time.

  2. Andrew,at Beat's request another dot was added to display the other side of symmetry action when sculpting,

    its very useful because this way you never forget if symmetry is on or not.


    But...when working in lateral views its very disturbing...because both dots are dancing around each other....I find it very difficult to concentrate on strokes.Could you please make it so that it gets hidden when its backfacing camera....

    or if too difficult/too long  make this new display optional in preferences.



  3. owbg.jpg



    Rapid brushes corrupt the surface (create holes). Tried reconstruct/ close hole features, both had no effect whatsoever (close hole actually made the holes slightly larger). Painting the small area (red circle) with the "Reconstruct" brush projects the mask all over the place.


    Might or might not have something to do with sculpting on an area where two surfaces on the same object are in close proximity to each other.


    3D Coat 4.0.12B (Windows 8.1).

    Which rapid brush did u use (1 or 2)?

    Was Removestretching activated?


    I am absolutely unable to reproduce your issue after 2 hours sculpting...

    I get mangled topology issue but no holes.


    Please elaborate.

  4. Hi :)


    Ok, tomorow Andrew and I will seat in tandem and will fix remaining issues: Resample and creaseClay provisionally still uses previous splitting algorithm (to not mess too much with existing presets) but we see now is unsafe enough to migrate to new despite breaking some presets because stability is first.

    Also regarding those Rapid2 wrong topology sometimes did you check is not caused by very little smooth value? see if increasing value fix it, because seems to me is a lacking in smooth.

    there is no smooth setting in rapid2,its not an LC brush,issue comes from the changes in RS.

    In rapid2 brush smooth slider only affect shift key smooth brush trigger.


    also I dont understand how resample would break a preset...its completely independent from brushes; its a voxel menu function.

  5. artman - I cannot recreate rapid brush 2 problem...

    it seems pretty random,Im not able to find exact condition to reproduce. :(


    Glad to see  Im not the only one who like resolution increase

    (its not even big increase,if we look at wireframe we can clearly see its a very small increase)

    I also get very fluid strokes too...anyway Andrew and Raul will probably find a way to please everybody.


    about:Generalbrush :its still very experimental some sliders/checkbox are not meant to be mixed together or do not work at all.

    Better focus on the first 7 sliders + Wrinkling slider(can be cool sometimes at low values)

    also now we have flatten curve too (it is trough flatten and depth curve that most clay feelings can be emulated)

  6. here is another screenshot of some nasty stuff happening with RS improvement using rapid 2...this screenshot is more obvious than the one I posted previously. Personally I also think level slider or checkboxes are needed.(if slider is too difficult to implement)


    Users seem to really dont like it with more res...personally I think its much better with slightly more resolution ,clay looks much better,less jagged... so slider/custom resolution seem really like the way to go to please everybody.


  7. 2)   InflateClay. works funny. It creates those unwanted marks into surface. Maybe this is linked into limitation that we were talking sort time ago. But for 

    me InflateClay brush starts to create those unwanted marks too fast. 

    Im not sure you want old InflateClay either :)



    New one is much cleaner....what kind of marks are you talking about? Please post picture.



    Also I noticed a flatten curve has been added to generalBrush....cool!

  8. Wow feels amazing!!

    I did not get any holes and I used most presets..

    And topology seems really nice too no more isolated islands of uselessly subdivided polys.

    Sci-fi presets feel amazing at 4.5 details you get ready for baking greeble lines its really cool.

    Detail value slider really is more coherent in all LC brushes too.

    Love the improvement in RS too,very noticable

    (makes increase in resolution optional as a checkbox if Beat is unhappy :))

    something like "high quality mode" check box...but Im sure Jose Conselo will be happy.

    Personally I dont think its too much as it provides nicer clay overlaps and feeling but I understand some may find the decrease in speed annoying(I find it hardly noticeable)

    RS + move brush does not crash 3dc anymore too.


    I encountered ONE issue and its a very strange one and worrying one.


    I made a stroke using creaseclay brush (stroke is highlighted in red)

    and a patch of tesselated polys appered at a place where I DID NOT stroke at all far away from the stroke(highlighted in green),

    I know  patch comes from the same stroke because if I do ctrl-z it disappear at the same time than stroke.



    it happened just one time,I have not been able to reproduce.


    Also Powerful Smooth seems broken,it does not use resolution sampled at beginning of strokes,it nearly seems to act as reduce brush.


    Anyway,fantastic work guys!! LC sculpting feels safe and not experimental anymore.

    (of course more experimental tools like copyclay,bridgeclay ect are not finised yet but the raw sculpting aspect of LC feels very solid to me and on par with ZB/MB imo  and even superior I may say)


    Im sure you (and some  other users) will be happy to be able to move on to other matters.

    I still recommend deeper 'interaction testing' but it seems to be llike the best sculpting build 3DCoat ever was and should be moved to stable release imo as soon as possible...Actually  LC tools in  currentstable build are much more experimental and unsafe than this..

    It doesn't force you if you always worked with your distance relative to your detail like you would do with a real sculpt.


    i think this where we mostly disaggree....

    I do real sculpting and I dont always have my face stuck on smaller details when I do them..

    sometimes I need to see more volume to really put finer details that flow well with the rest.


    anyway,it was interesting discussiong (but i worked all night so it feels a little pointless but it probably isnt)

    maybe it will lead in some changes in Rs who knows... :)


    Going to bed now.

    thanx :)

  10. there is no relying on zoom AT ALL...


    Also all nextgen hires sculpt made for baking that I see nowadays are superclean...nobody is doing crappy lowres even for friggin cartoon characters with1024 maps with only diffuse.(hipolys for League of Legends characters are superclean)

    It would be like having a level6 8 million polys sculpt in Zbrush with an ugly level2 lump sitting right on the face just because user decided he wanted to zoom out to do it...


    I dont think its a very useful discussion...


    But it seems we all agree that RS should also provide some sort of subd control while maybe retaining its simple straight out of the box default mode on start up maybe....the thing with RS (compared with LC)is that it somehow finds the perfect res automatically...

    this is why it is still relevant compared to LC tools...its just that in some situations subd needs to a be little higher.

  11. It's a question of sculpting habit. But I take my stroke as I would take my sculpting division in zbrush: broader lower res shapes toward higher res surface details. So I don't need to zoom to add lumps, I add them at a reasonable distance, I don't care if they look low res, If I need more definition (thus more details otherwise no point), then I zoom to add that.

    more definition does not mean necessary more details...it also means cleaner surface.

    In zbrush  going higher in subd takes care of getting rid of the coarseness but  in 3Dcoat its really difficult to do that

    (smooth brush really does not help there...)

    Im sorry but I want my strokes done at midistance from camera to not be crappy. :)

    Current method does not take anything away from you...



    Yep, I agree in regard to the way it currently works.



    That's the thing: no. At medium distance I do the medium shapes. If I want sharp details, I go up close, to make sure they are the way I want them. Besides crease clay (the only brush I would use at medium distance for "sharp" details) only pinch so much to call it "sharp" ^^


    To me, sharp means "pinched". Otherwise it's just "shapes", bigger or smaller with more or less angularity.


    Well using Rapid for example...at mid distance adding a lump of clay on the cheek bones of a character's face....

    Do you really want to zoom in under the eye of your character just so the lump of clay you are adding is not an awfully lowres staircased stroke...

    I prefer being able to add that stroke while seeing the whole face of my chracter and to know that just because the brush radius is smaller that lump of clay will feel like clay and not like a  screenshot taken out of a tetris game...


    The thing is other method FORCE you to zoom in.

    While with radius method you can zoom in if you want to...nothing stops you.

    Proof is you didnt even notice it was that way. :)

  13. I don't complain, it's just that I just noticed and now understand JoseConseco and Abn_Ranger, if the radius is taken into account in the tesselation then there's no difference with liveclay, in fact it's an amputated liveclay since you don't get to change the amount of detail.


    well its lets not say amputated...more :simplified...it provides you with just enough subd to keep you sculpting forever...its like a LC nobrainer.

    but of course it would be better if users had a way to somehow increase the strength of subd..


    I personally would prefer to have it the way it was but at this point it's a bit stupid to keep it "in between".


    Why?Dont you never do sharp details at medium distance from camera? Your recent sculpt really dont seem to suffer from this method.

  14. I'm sorry but it was, maybe I just never noticed it was changed (almost certain in fact), but at some point only zooming changed subdiv.

    I would never had this debate with Abn_Ranger if this wasn't the case (at least it still was in my mind).



    But i haven't heard you complaining about this lately so it must not be that bad considering all the nice sculpts you've been doing :)


    Personally,everytime I try Dyntopo I go back to 3DCoat just because of this...this is what reallife sculptors do

    (changing view distance while sculpting)

    Fine details=Having my face stuck on the mesh is absurd imo...sometimes you still need to see the bigger forms even  when doing fine details...


    But if you are using a small radius there is a 90% chance you are trying to do something fine...THAT is logical...not camera distance...

  15. Yeah I just noticed... it wasn't like that before. Before only zooming allowed you to add smaller tris... It was logical ! What's the point now, it's liveclay without a slider...:/


    Anyway I think its better because if Im doing fine details it does not mean that I want to zoom in.

    Sometimes its better to view bigger portion of the sculpt even if you are doing fine details...

    I dont want to have my nose stuck in every wrinkles Im doing just to get some subdivision.

    Im just doing fine details...I should be able to sculpt at any distance from camera and not be forced to zoom in.

    This is one of the things I hate about Blender dyntopo (but some people like that way better)


    it is what RS is...adaptive Liveclay without a slider..

  16. I use creaseclay because there's no pinching/extruding equivalent using removestretching, otherwise I wouldn't bother with liveclay at all. To be perfectly honest, creaseclay is probably one of the few brushes to make sense in liveclay mode (you may want to have the big picture and still make sharp/high definition creases).


    I agree with Jose Conseco that sometimes Removestrtching does not add enough subdivison. Not anybody like you want to pinch over every single of their strokes. :) Also he said he sometimes have to use a smaller brush radius with RS just to gives the surface an increase in subdivison,lately i found myself doing this more and more and I find it a little absurd. It would be cool if Removestrtching had a higher subdivison mode user could trigger from time to time.For example on Default male bust Rapid2 with RS will efficiently Remove all stretching but it will also preserve all the roughness and the imperfections in the strokes due to how lowpoly the male bust is ...its in times like this that I would like RS to produce cleaner,sharper more subdivided strokes.

  17. Artman, one thing...from your presets I see many of them are "scared" of using smooth values, and have subdecimal values, but in general, for every tool where dynamic tesselation is involved smooth values should be always big, is almost mandatory to keep good topology...

    I went again on Male bust and cranked smoothing values to 1.0 using creaseclay and topology is definitely a lot nicer.

    So Creaseclay is ok...just need a little boost in subd at higher detail values.


    Issue is still present in Liveclay base brush though.

    Liveclay brush does not have a smoothing slider??! :blink: so i cannot set any values there

    (I think it had one in ancient builds..strange)



    but some brushes see below Inflateclay (not general...real default Inflateclay)

    generate really awful topology even with high smoothing values (detail 3.0 smoothing:0.9)


  18. Artman, one thing...from your presets I see many of them are "scared" of using smooth values, and have subdecimal values, but in general, for every tool where dynamic tesselation is involved smooth values should be always big, is almost mandatory to keep good topology...

    well...subdecimal...maximum is 1.0 :rofl: ...it cannot be bigger than 1.

    If you say it is better to set higher values I will crank all presets to 1, I have no problem with that.

    Reason it is so low is because in much older builds smoothing was blurring previous strokes when they were too close to each other.now it does not seem like an issue anymore so I'll crank it...


    (if I remember correctly :))... in my tests I tried higher smoothing  values and higher subv smoothing (1.0) and it did not seems to prevent the weird spots shown in pictures...anyway,I'll try agin when I get home in 3 hours...

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