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Posts posted by ajz3d

  1. 1 hour ago, Tony Nemo said:

    Has anyone used a fabric stencil or PBR without moire patterns appearing? Close up, everything normal. Back up and you get moire and rotate to get flickering. 

    I've tried every approach (painting on the Texture Editor) but for painting on the Normal map in PS. Never mind getting the scale right.:(

    This is usually taken care of by mip-maps, pixel/texture filtering or anti-aliasing in the target renderer.

    At worst case scenario scale up the pattern, which from what I read you already did. :)

  2. Unfortunately in this particular "boxy" case, to main axis will just put the manipulator inside the bounding box of an object. It won't rotate it to orientation the object was originally imported with, which is strange because this button seems to be working much better in the retopo room, as it at least attempts to reorient local rotation axes. They still don't match the original orientation though (as seen below on the screenshot from retopo room):


  3. I just made a test by exporting a rotated and translated box out of Houdini and imported it back into 3D-Coat and Blender. Blender does preserve the local rotation axis, but places the box at the origin (though the axes are probably wrong because in Blender Z+ is up). 3D-Coat ignores local rotation axis, but places the box correctly.

    A bug, behavioris intentionalis or user error? :P





    3D-Coat (Sculpt Room):


  4. 1 hour ago, Andrew Shpagin said:


    - Coat tool. This is non-destructive and precise version of VoxLayer. This is important step, it opens family of nondestructive tools in 3D-Coat.

    Wow! Non-destructive sculpting tools in 3D-Coat! This will be huge! :wub:

    I fiddled a bit with the coat tool and it is impressive!


    Two small bugs:

    - sliders in coat tool options are non-undoable.

    - sometimes points become unselectable and I need to select some other VoxTree object and then the "coated" one again


    Also, some questions:

    1) Would it be difficult to make the tool respect symmetry?

    2) The tool seems to be remeshing the geometry it creates whenever we move points of the selection curve. So anything that was sculpted on it before curve modification will be lost. Would it be possible, in a further development stage of this tool of course, to make it preserve anything that was sculpted on it?

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