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Posts posted by 3DCNC

  1. I understand your views . The reason I like the direction 3Dcoat is taking, is because I want to create Characters without getting bogged down with technical stuff. I don't use 3dcoat for games or animations, but hoped to use its power to create files for 3d cutting on a cnc. It would be great to have software that you can jump into without having to learn about uv,retopography......I also love Zbrush, but found it a bit difficult to get into. It had more power than I needed, but also had a steep learning curve with its quirky interface.

    Unlike everyone here, I like the different "rooms". It allows me to only see the tools I need for a particular task.

    I use very expensive software to control my cnc which is not "perfect", I also get frustrated when bugs don't get resolved or "obvious" features are not implimented, but I have faith that 3dcoat is moving in the right direction. Its just difficult to keep everyone happy during development.

    Watching 3dcoat develop is exciting, because its trying to follow its own path rather than playing catchup to the more established brands.

    I have never found a perfect piece of software , that is why I use 4 different cnc cutting programs

    Andrew and his team are amazing. thanks for keeping us up to date with 3dcoat development.

    • Like 1
  2. In both 3.7.03c and .03b, I get nothing when trying to test. I have "show beta tools" enabled and "show voxels in Paint room". I can see the voxel object in the paint room, but absolutely no ability to paint. I start with a sphere primitive and the default clay shader, switch it to surface mode, then go to the Paint room, add a layer and try to paint something. Nada, nothing. This has always been a problem with new features in 3D Coat. They get a mention in twitter and in this thread, but there is rarely any instructions or video example on the proper steps to make it work. It's always left up to the users to "figure it out." Then those who do, have to explain it in bits and pieces to those who haven't yet.

    I think a small rough video showing new feature is a good idea. It does not have to show it in detail.

  3. Yeah your right, actually i just remembered that it was listed in a thread in the SDK forum in a post about app links.

    Andrew says -

    In general we have in pipeline

    Max, Maya, LW, Blender, Houdini, XSI, C4D, ZBrush, Rhino, Messiah, list may be expanded.

    Very Exciting!!!!!

  4. I think that applink between Rhino and 3Dcoat could be very interesting.


    Using nurbs to draw precise shapes and 3D Coat to deform and reshape. Especially for customers in the Product,Architecture and CNC/CAD business.

    Also tools like T-Splines for Rhino add more possibilities especially with auto retopography in 3D Coat. T-Splines can covert quad meshes to nurbs surfaces!!!!.


    So design refinement can be achieved by moving models between packages.

    I also think Moi could be a future contender but it lacks some functionality in this version. It supports the 3dm file format for Rhino. In fact you can copy and paste a model from Moi into Rhino and visa versa.


    Rhino Supports many renderers at the moment including Octane,Maxwell

  5. You know, I was just thinking today that it might not be a bad idea after all to see if Andrew and the guys at MOI can collaborate on a plugin, or if Andrew can contract the developer to implement some NURBS tools within the Retopo Room.



    I think Moi use's the integrity kernel for it's nurbs creation. The Ui and display developed by Moi. I think a link could be interesting, but although Moi can generate mesh objects it can not read them at the moment.


    There was talk on twitter about Applinks http://twitter.com/AndrewShpagin

    "Also we started writing AppLinks for many different applications.

    10:08 AM Sep 24th via Chromed Bird"

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