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Everything posted by Taurus

  1. Michalis if 3DC is crucial for your work you should buy PC, most ported application crashes on MAC including Zbrush, go and read the forums.There is simple solution - buy PC,MAC people are niche market and they should be happy app are ported at all, there are consistent reports about many serious app crashing under Macs and there must a reason for that, it's too complicated to port or there is something messed up with mac OS.
  2. It would greatly benefit Fill tool if it had preview mode like when you click on the material in material tab.When texture or bump is loaded to fill tool it's difficult to setup scale because there is no preview.
  3. Hi, does 3DC supports Zbrush alphas ? When I try to import them as a pen or as a material I get this error "INCORRECT_PSD"
  4. He has a point, many user requested features are being ignored.There is some imbalance there.Some people ask for Ptex they get it,some people ask for Auto-Retopo they get it.In the meantime whole rest is struggling with slow paint engine,poor AO baking,workflow issues ... There is too much hype over auto-retopo, what I saw has very limited usability.Orc example - skin tight, grid-mesh it will be easier and faster retopo it from scratch in retopo room where you have control over polygons.Low poly objects - same, faster and easier to model from scratch or retopo.Looks like you are over optimistic.There is no way auto-reto will do any decent edgeloops for characters so you are left with organic and low poly objects, in the end it may happen you can do it same fast in reto because you won't waste your time on fixing.There is also more control over polys and loops. Show me this auto-generated retopo and then fix to useble state, let's see if it's indeed faster than manual retopo taking into consideration fixing time.
  5. A feature to set other than blue bg color for maps export.
  6. Zbrush reconstruct works only with quad only mesh as far i know
  7. I don't think it's that useful, generated mesh is too high-poly, no room to tweak it, in the example with Orc it would take more time to fix 'auto-retopo' mesh than to make a new retopo in reto room because it's too high poly and edge flow is far from optimal.Same with cubes example - too high poly, you could do it faster and better with booleans. Autoretopo will be useful if you can generate lower mesh resolution so it can be fixed fairly easy but you can do it right now in retopo room.You get too overexcited, it's nice new technology is getting into 3DC but I would rather see some basic stuff redone. Faster paint engine ? Raytraced AO bake ? More retopo tools ? Workflow improvements ? Instead dev time is spent on doing experimental tech which needs a lot of time and effort to tweak.
  8. Paint mode engine is slow it needs speed up: ------------------------------------------------ Fill tool is painfully slow Brushes are slow Switch on/off layer is slow Paint mode could be multithreaded ? Fill tool is using only one core. Better AO bake ------------------------------------------------ 3DC AO is slow and it doesn't give good results, we need raytraced AO bake with support meshes which have triangles (from boolean operations) Paint layer/UV texture view better dock ------------------------------------------------ Generally 3DC is hard to dock,windows dont snap well, close button and scroll bar are too tiny Texture UV view needs to be really nice dockable More and better retopo tools ------------------------------------------------ Merge materials layers on export ------------------------------------------------ Every material gets own texture but on export there must be an option to merge them into one texture, now if one item has materials wood,metal,glass, itp each of will be exported as separate texture but it shouldnt because it's all for one object Pen and materials folders ------------------------------------------------ Layers blend list - scroolbar too thin, in fact there should be no scrollbar, most LCD have more than enough place to display all blend modes ------------------------------------------------ Make transparency map ------------------------------------------------ Draw transparency maps with 3DC paint tools,transparency should be displayed in paint window
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