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Posts posted by Tiles

  1. That was it. Thanks Andrew :)

    I tried that one before. What stopped me in the UV Window before is that i had to zoom in a lot now to get this geometry selectable. So i was under the impression that it is not selectable there at all.

  2. I have most probably by accident created some wild geometry while retopo. Didn't notice it until i started unwrapping. This geometry is not deletable. I cannot select it with any of the retopo tools. Even after deleting the face above this little tri. So it's not a problem that the tools selects the upper face first.

    I have fixed the issue by exporting it and delete this little rascal in Blender now. Would be nevertheless interesting to know how to remove this unexpected geometry in 3D Coat. Any advice? :)


  3. Not sure if it is a bug with the new Beta, which i have installed today. I never made a retopology before.


    I have loaded a reference mesh, have started to do some retopo, and then i have saved the scene. Now i have reopened the scene, and my reference mesh is invisible. All i see is the contour, and the grey background squares, moving slowly from down right to up left.

    My guess is that the material linking is missing. Is there a way to reassign a material to the now invisible reference mesh? It's nowhere in the list since i have loaded it as a reference.

    EDIT, i can repeat this flaw in the new Beta version. Just tested it from scratch. All is fine until i save and reopen the scene. Then the reference mesh is invisible again. The old version 4.1 of 3D Coat keeps the mesh visible after reloading. So this smells like a bug.


    The file is a bit too big to append it here. 250 Mb. Any advice?


  4. IMPORTANT UPDATE: We authorize the use of the Indie version of Substance Painter to any indie / company generating less than US$10K a year in revenue (based on prior fiscal year). If you are above this limit you should purchase/upgrade to the Pro version on the Allegorithmic website.

    For particular cases, please contact us directly so that we can find a relevant business model.



    Well, it's commercial, but only up to 10k revenue per year ...

  5. No, it is not connected to the ghost mode problem. That was another issue. I am simply lost how to setup the brush to sculpt in the way i want. I am again and again trapped by a pencil that doesn't want to sculpt anything. Not knowing what slider to change that it paints again.


    What slider do i need to change that in the upper screenshot the pencil paints again? It does nearly nothing at the moment.

  6. I have no idea what is going on here. But while sculpting the whole viewport became milky with a rasterized look, the pencil vanished, and i cannot paint anymore. What did i do here? And the better question, how do i escape this milky mode? There is no indication that i am in a special mode at the moment.


  7. I cannot figure out how to setup the brush to paint in the way i want. In one moment it paints like crazy, then i touch something, and after that i cannot paint anything anymore. At the moment it paints just very very thin, with nearly no power. No matter how i adjust the settings, which can be found above the space. Like in this shot here. Why doesn't it paint nearly anything with these settings? I have enough radius, i have enough pressure. And how do i tell it not to paint so round? But more flat?


    In short, could somebody help me with how to setup a brush for painting so that it sculpts in the way that i want?


  8. Ah. Ich verstehe. Danke :)

    Das kann ich nur leider so nicht machen. Blender kann keine UV Tiles. Und selbst wenn, am UV Mapping rumzufummeln nur um die Textur zu bemalen kanns ja eigentlich nicht sein. Das ist mir zu gefährlich dass da dann das Mapping nicht mehr passt. Da ist der Weg über die Graustufentextur schneller und bequemer. Aber danke für die Beschreibung :)

  9. Danke Malo,


    Mein Problem ist immer noch das Gleiche. Ich kann zwar mit Farbe über zwei Texturen hinweg malen. Abdunkeln/Aufhellen geht aber nur auf einer Textur. Der jeweils aktive Layer. Da funktioniert es plötzlich nicht mehr über beide Texturen hinweg. Die Abdunkelung stoppt sobald ich auf die andere Textur stosse.


    Wie gesagt, Texturen vereinen ist nicht wirklich eine Option, weil eine der Texturen einen Alphachannel hat, die andere nicht.

    Im Prinzip könnte ich meinen praktizierten Workaround über zwei Graustufentexturen auch mit 3D Coat hinbekommen. Schöner wäre es aber wenn auch Abdunkeln/Aufhellen über beide Texturen hinweg funktionieren würde.

  10. Ah, nice, answer. Thanks folks. Unfortunately the vulture is long finished now :)


    My mesh has two independend UV´s for the two textures. That`s not the problem. But i am still a bit confused. It looks like an enormous setup effort to get things to work here. And the textures have to stay independend. I need them separated in my game. Because the one texture has just a simple diffuse shader, and the wings part needs transparent diffuse.


    I can load the same mesh into Blender and paint across the two independend textures without problems and special setup work. That`s what i did then as my workaround. It`s just that Blender has no brighten/darken tool. And so i had to use another workaround here. I have then painted at a 128/128/128 texture in Blender, and merged the greyscale texture with the original textures in Gimp, using the "Faser mischen" layer mode. Sorry, i don`t know the english term for it, i have a german Gimp. In Photoshop it`s feather from what i know.


    Anyways. It would be of course nicer when you could directly paint across two textures like in Blender. Without the need to create extra layers and a ton of workarounds.


    What do you think, is this worth a mantis entry? Maybe there can be something improved :)

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