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Everything posted by ElSte17

  1. I will try this. However how can I avoid this problem in the future? I saw that most professional texture maps apply symmetrical faces all to the same spot on the UV map... for example on the sword, both sides of the blade will be identical, so instead of having two spots on the UV map for the blade, you overlap them and only have one. So I tried doing that, but when I do that and load a mesh to voxelize it and then bake that onto the low poly object, the software gets confused and tries to bake both sides of the voxel to both sides of the retopo mesh each, resulting in a checkered-black square texture. Is the only way to avoid this to either have a 1-1 mapping for every face to a spot on the UV, or to cut my voxels in half always?
  2. I did, that isn't the issue. I tried using the "cutoff" tool to cut the blade in half so that it bakes only one side and that seemed to solve the checkered-black pattern, but I can't figure out how to cleanly cut the blade EXACTLY in half.....I tried lining it up on the grid lines and using a rectangle but I still end up cutting off parts of the blade...
  3. Yes, there is only one retopo mesh for the blade. I think maybe this has to do with the fact that I have both sides of the blade corresponding to the same spot on the UV map in order to mirror the texture...maybe I did this wrong?
  4. I should clarify, my main issue is the blade texture has black rectangles baked all over it.
  5. Hello, When I merge with per pixel i am getting these weird black squares all over my object and a few other distortions on the rest of it. I tried using micro vertex as well, but that made the colors extremely pale and faded for some reason. Any ideas on how I can fix this? Thanks Edit: Furthermore, it seems that the reason my handle looks messed up is because I used two clones of the handle overlapping each other.... one handle with a gold material that I made a tiny bit smaller and the normal skin material handle overlapping that one. I did this so I could extrude the golden details from inside the Skin handle to the outside. It looks fine in the voxel screen but when I try to bake it, it tries baking the skin handle and the gold handle mixed up together.
  6. Solved: Tried the warp but I couldn't get it to suit my purposes as I am simply trying to only have to retexture the model without altering the mesh at all, so deforming the handle to the warped design wasnt an option. However, I figured out how to make a brush alpha in the shape of one leaf segment and now I am simply extruding each individual leaf out across the handle. It is more time consuming than I had hoped for but it at least provides a uniform shape across the whole design and I can add each leaf in the correction position to prevent a jittery/wobbly line. Thanks regardless for the warp suggestion, I didn't know how to do that before and no doubt it will come in handy in the future!
  7. Hello, I am currently modelling a sword from the Lord of the Rings and I am having trouble adding a certain detail. The detail I am referring to is the golden leaf design that spiral/wraps around the hilt of the sword. I was able to create a simple indent in the hilt that can be seen in the image by using the spline brush stroke. I cannot figure out a good/efficient/uniform way of drawing on the leaf pattern though... The perfect way would be if I could create the leaf pattern as a "strip" and use the spline stroke, but I cannot figure out how to make my own strip and it would need to be seamless which seems even more difficult. The issue with drawing it on manually is that it would be extremely difficult to make each leaf look uniform/clean cut and in a straight line, especially while trying to wrap around the blade. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can add this detail properly? Thanks
  8. Thanks for the reply. I checked out your first suggestion and unless I looked at the wrong place, the 9th spline WOULD possibly work for this but for two problems. 1. this is the "pipe" segment spline so it has a little ring around the pipe at each segment. not sure if there is a way to make it JUST a cylinder but otherwise that creates the same issue of having to attempt to smooth out the divots/bumps which isn't easy or clean looking. 2. Second suggestion sounds cool but at the same time it only eliminates HALF the problem. Even though you can change your angle, you can still only draw one continuous line, which means if you mess up or you simply want to lift your pen for any reason, you will still have the issue of creating a "non-continuous smooth flowing" line.
  9. Hello, I have been having trouble with a certain aspect of the sculpting tools because I am used to drawing and being able to draw using many strokes ( to adjust my hand or whatever). In 3D sculpting it is even more important because sometimes you are trying to draw something that is not on a flat plane ( it wraps around something for example) and thus you have to change your camera angle to be able to see where you are drawing. To to this (as far as I know) you have to lift up your stroke, change the angle, and then continue the line with another stroke. The problem this creates for me is illustrated below. If you lift your pen or want to draw something that isn't one continuous line, when you replace your pen at the point where you left off, it will either create a bump (when adding) or a divot (when subtracting) at that point. I assume this is because the brush adds or subtracts a fixed amount of...material... based on the height of where you clicked and the depth you have the brush set at. My question is, how can I create a seamlessly flowing line without having to draw it in one continuous stroke? Thanks, ElSte17
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