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Everything posted by mlogan

  1. Hi all, I have a model of a baby 40cm long that is centred on the origin in Lightwave. When I import it for voxel sculpting it comes in OK, but it is miles away from the origin/grid. Why doesn't it come in on the origin? Is it the same size as in LW? As always,thanks for any help. regards Mike
  2. Hi, I can see how the VoXRay tool gives you a slice through the geometry, but do you do something with it, or is it for viewing purposes only? It looks like a way to measure geometry. Can't find anything on the web explaining it. Thanks Any help appreciated. Mike
  3. Thanks for the help. I will watch the videos right now. regards Mike
  4. Hi, I imported a basic house shape into the paint room for microvertex painting. I opened up a stencil, and with only depth activated I painted a brick displacement on the model. All good. I can see the displaced model in any room, except the voxel room ( which is where I want to go with it). In the voxel room I only see the 3d grid, no model. What am I doing wrong? Thanks. Mike
  5. Hi Javis, Say you had a hexagonal lamp post and you wanted to add the same detail to each face of the post. You could individually sculpt the detail on each face and try to make them look as similar as possible. Or with Zbrush's radial brush you could turn on 6 axes of symmetry and sculpt on one face of the post and it would do the same on the other 5 faces. Great time saver. Thanks for your help. regards Mike
  6. Hi there, A new user question. I use Lightwave, Blender and Zbrush. I find the UI and workflow of Zbrush extremely frustrating and unintuitive. 3d Coat looks much more logical to me. One question: does 3D Coat have a radial brush? I'm looking but not finding one. If not, that's a bummer as I would prefer to stay just in 3D Coat, rather than skipping back to Zbrush. Other than that, it all looks really promising. Any responses are much appreciated. regards Mike
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