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  1. Aww that's all you can say cause you have nothing to say against that? when one loses to an argument, they automatically go to the last resort of using personal attacks and jokes to gain approval of others. As I have said, I don't know who you are but I prefer you would mind your own business, and don't try shoving you ideals into others, shove that into your nieces or nephews. Must be real convenient for you to just spout morals values when you did not experience that issue yourself, ayt? Edit: I like to update after 14 days he did PM me a link but I already saw it, and was bare bones at best, for the quality of the guide I doubt he planned to share a speck of info at all. first time asking a 3D coat user cause there are really few has a has a technique I am curious. Was also a test if these people are cryptic or gives something a bit of value. But man, was this top secret. Also this forum is at best hintful at solving technical problems nice job at that, but hints for on what's it's actually made for are cryptic and mediocre. Users like me know the existence of youtube, cubebrush.co, gumroad.com and other tutorial selling sites, and one more I really dont like to mention. Sorry for that show, must be real convenient if you haven't came across something like this.
  2. That "guide" is essentially like this post and it's comments https://9gag.com/gag/aoN0LNX I don't know who you are but I prefer you would mind your own business, and don't try shoving you ideals into others, shove that into your nieces or nephews. Just because he's not entitled he has a right to make false-promises just for PR/front. I gave him a good PR and all I ever asked is a lil info, is that too much to ask? You have the right to remain silent and not entitled nor obligated to reply, so use that right and shut up. Also, no wonder people prefer Zbrush the community is much far more generous and sincere.
  3. *sigh* everyone is so cryptic nowadays except paid tutorials, he says he would post some links but 48 hrs later none, but w/in 24 hours from him saying he would post links, he just answered some people on his Devianart account, in 3 days I'll ask him again and if he still does not answer I'll delete my comment of praise and stop following him and referencing him anymore. It's time to move on to artists who actually cares more than just exposure. It seems to get even any scrap learning you have to pay
  4. Another one https://www.artstation.com/artwork/BPe64
  5. Hi goodday! How to achieve a look like this?(by Mack Sztaba) https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Olk68 https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Ly5WA https://mack.artstation.com/projects/RX8xD https://www.artstation.com/artwork/N3rvJ This guy too (Timo Peter) https://www.artstation.com/artwork/KZbdy https://www.artstation.com/black_otter Basically I like the lines or "ink" effect of Mack Sztaba, I like the colors of this too https://www.artstation.com/artwork/KZbdy ~Obamu
  6. I might just add this, click and hold the sun and drag to the most right--> until it goes to 100, click and drag the big lightbulb to the most <--left until it reaches 10 (adjust higher if u want tiny bit more shadow, good ranges are 10-25 and aren't too dark), finally click and drag the small lightbulb upwards, there's no number indication so u need to watch the model. default "lighting" is like sculpting at midnight with one candle afar. 1/23/2015
  7. Thanks for the tips I mean by view as in viewport, w/out the grid and my models are very dark(I mean casting really heavy shadows) this ain't too appealing to sculpt on. while the skull is very very well lit and even has some lights/reflection cast on it, also don't take my terms literally cause I'm not sure if its the right term.
  8. As title said, mine is at default w/ the grid and jaggy edges, if there are better "views" the better.
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