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Everything posted by AnD4D

  1. Thanks. Sadly this didn't work. As soon as I press the transform tool, it deselects the object I was looking to add, and simply centre aligns my current creation. As soon as I go back to my list of objects to add in, it again plops it down far away from the Gizmo. I can press the "To Main Axis" button to put the Gizmo in the correct place, but this means I have to repeatedly check it's in the right place in space every time. It also won't align it to the centre of the space, meaning once it gets to this point, I can't proceed. Just tried it with a new model, and it has happened again, but again I can't see what is triggering it. I built 2 models perfectly fine before, but as I "improve" I use more tools, so I figure I'm pressing something along the line that's causing an issue... but the only thing I can think that I'm using now is the auto scale tool... but I can't see that causing any issues.
  2. Just noticed this... hope that wasn't directed at me. If it was, I'd like to point out that I did notice the red words at the bottom saying "non-uniform". However, seeing as I made the entire model with symmetry on, and produced a perfectly symmetrical object. As far as I knew, there was nothing non-uniform about it. Also, if it was aimed at me, there's no need at all to be that rude. This post is in the New Users section of the forum, so don't feel the need to call work here "junk" and the designers "idiots".
  3. The only thing I've done is rotate the object, scale, and cut. It's possible I wasn't completely side on when I cut the object... but it's doubtful. The object doesn't look different, but I admit I may have made that mistake. Here's a link to the model. I'll remove the link tomorrow https://copy.com/GkyyNo7eIG7nEm2H
  4. lol! As mentioned in post 3, it's off. Wish it was that simple
  5. Yup, sadly I've been doing that. That'll set the gizmo to the centre of the object, but whenever I try to reset its position, to get it back into the centre, the gizmo moves, but not the object.
  6. To follow up. It looks like the gizmo comes away from the object whenever I press "Reset Space" on the Tool Options window. I've loaded up a new scene and started again, and everything is working as expected. However, when I load my other scene back up, everything's broken. At the moment, this has stopped me from working, as I can't ensure everything is in the correct place. Is there a way to reset things, or save the object I've created and place it into a new scene without losing progress? I know I can export it as a mesh, but I'd rather keep voxels while I work on it. *EDIT - Scratch that last bit. I found the import model button. It seems that imports the settings along with it. A scene can work fine up until I import the 3b that has the issue.
  7. *EDIT - Ah, that's cleared the "non-uniform" notice at the bottom, but the objects still won't return to the centre. When I press reset axis and reset space, the gizmo still moves, but not the object. I have "Move only gizmo" unchecked.
  8. I'm building another model, and noted that half way though, some text appeared at the bottom that says "Non-uniform". Not sure what I did to make this happen, but anyway... I'm now at a point where I can not centre an object to the middle of the layout. I am using all of the tools, such as 'To Main Axis', 'Reset Space', etc... but where that was working fine before, now all it does is set the gizmo to the correct spot, but places the object elsewhere. Sometimes out of my view, quite a fair way away from the rest of the model. I've seen this error log, which seems similar to what I'm experiencing, but it looks like it's fixed. Is this a feature, and I've just done something wrong, or am I experiencing a bug? I've tried reloading the file, closing down the program, but nothing helps. I'm thinking I must have clicked the wrong button somewhere, but I can;'t for the life of me figure out why this would be a feature.
  9. Thanks Michael, please find the file here: https://copy.com/KwDjo4FaKopYP2mY I haven't had nearly as many crashes since I moved over to the demo version. Thanks for the heads up about using the Steam key! That's a weight off my mind. When I do manage to get AUTOPO working, it results in a very low resolution version, missing out the intricacies of the smaller details. I tried importing a 3D Coat export into the Paint room, but that generated a very very bad looking UV. Sometimes single shapes were added as separate UVs. My Blender workflow seems to work well at the moment... but I feel I shouldn't need to use another program just to generate a UV map.
  10. Thanks, Michael! I've tried that before, and 3D Coat usually just crashes after 5 minutes. Sent in many bug reports, but never heard back. Also spent literal days working with AUTOPO, changing settings ever so slightly. When that wasn't crashing, it produced very poor results. Doesn't work all that well on Hard Surface models. I've looked at a lot of tutorials, too. I'll try the dense quads trick again, but the model I'm working on now is a lot more complex that the one I was trying that trick out with a few months ago!
  11. Thanks for your post! I really appreciate the help. Unfortunately my model is extremely complex, and an export mesh is around 9 million polys. I also can't afford the time to retopo myself. Maybe one day, but that thread you posted to showed people wowing over a tiny object. Concerns me that my model is about 5 times that size. My own fault, I suppose. I followed this video as an almost tutorial. See how complex that model is? I'd like to know how long it would take someone to produce a UV map for that model. Once I get my model into Substance Painter, everything's really fast. It's just this in between bit of getting things from 3D Coat to Substance. ZBrush was a lot easier in that respect. I'm trying to get my object down to about 500k polys. At the moment, it looks like I will need to use Blender... but man, I hate that program.
  12. Hi there! I've created a model within 3D Coat, and have been trying to find ways to export it to Substance Painter for about 3-4 weeks on and off. It's hard surface, so the AUTOPO tool has been little use (when it doesn't crash the program), and I'm purely using it for a still image, not a game model, so the number of polys isn't all that important. When I export it using 3D Coat, it doesn't have a UV already associated with it, so the program won't accept it. Therefore, I need to export it as a model, open it in Blender (which I really don't get along with), and then run a smart UV on it, and finally export that into Substance Painter. I was wondering if there was a way in which I could skip out Blender, and just have my ship export from 3D Coat into Substance Painter without a lot of extra steps. For example, I do not really want to spend the time having to retopo my model, seeing as I already know I can skip this stage with Blender in the equation. Also, I assume it has a UV associated with it already, seeing as when I move it into the Paint Room, I can paint directly onto the surface. In addition, ideally I'd like to export a Quad Mesh, but it doesn't have a poly reduction tool with that, meaning I have to export a triangle mesh, which is a nightmare to work with. Any advice? Oh, I should point out that I will be using the Steam version, but it's very buggy at the moment, so I have to use this month demo from this site
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