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Everything posted by hevonen

  1. Hello, I'm testing 3d-coat trial and I've come across some problems, which is a pity because voxel sculpting and model painting seem promising. 1) When using live clay I get squished / broken polygons (like surface flipping over in small area or getting bunched up) and I can't get rid of these broken parts. When I try to smooth it the result is a downward peak and when I try to add or remove clay on it the bunched up faces are still there. It seems I've to either switch to voxel mode or remesh to get rid of these. What is the proper way to get rid of these artifacts? These artifacts seem easier to deal with in Blender's dyntopo (remove clay and it add it back again and errors get fixed). 2) Autopo froze when I tried to retopo model I had done with voxels / live clay. Apparently this happens if the mesh is broken, but as live clay breaks the mesh for me it seems like a dice game. Shouldn't autopo just fix broken geometry it detects? What is the proper workflow for this stuff? 3) Voxel clay feels pretty limited / unnatural compared to surface mode brushes or live clay, is there some hard edged brush for quickly building mass (similar to surface mode's Rapid brush)? Are voxel tools abandoned or will there be updates for them too? 4) How to disable the HDR background? I like the lighting it creates but I don't want to see the spherical image itself. 5) Is there some instant command "remesh now" without any popups or so, so I could quickly fix those live clay artifacts?
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