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Posts posted by Turner

  1. 17 hours ago, Carlosan said:

    I am on the same board, just adding a sidenote: DAZ has bridges to zbrush and blender


    Thanks - yes, I tried it, but cannot get the import to work properly...



    Found out I was using an old version of the importer. However, the new one didn't work, either.


    Help says "To create this file, export to Blender from DAZ Studio as described in the export documentation."
    Export documentation:


    Edit: Found more instructions here, but they don't seem to be up to date, and when using the exporter from Daz, it gives no option to save, and when switching to Blender, nothing happens.

    https://bitbucket.org/Diffeomorphic/import_daz/wiki/Export/Export To Blender

    Sure wish I could get paid for all this hunting.



  2. Sorry in advance for the rant.

    Posting here out of frustration with the current stuff I've been using/trying. (Caveat: I can rapidly find major features not working properly in any software.)

    Recently I bought and used Character Creator 4 for a project that needed a few plausible images of humans. Mainly this is for archviz projects.

    Anticipating the need for more people in the future, I'm trying out some Reallusion addons (Headshot) as well as Marvelous Designer.

    However, there seem to be some relatively prominent shortcomings:

    1. Neither Reallusion nor Marvelous Designer have anything even slightly resembling a strong community or official (or unofficial) technical support, even with the applications' most basic functionality, like importing clothes or exporting to 3rd party apps. I literally believe Reallusion only has one support person.

    2. Reallusion's answer frequently seems to be to buy something else that will do what you need.

    3. Subscriptions... Reallusion isn't subscription (good for them) but Marvelous Designer is, and, I don't really know what you get for your ongoing support since they don't seem to provide any.

    4. Daz is... reasonable... for characters, but like the others, I can't get a simple still-character export into Blender to work without mangling the character, so I just stopped there.

    I'm mildly suprised at how little effort either one puts into getting new customers. I was in a crunch, so renders out of CC4 worked out.

    So... I'm aware that people use ZB to modify things - I'm hoping for some advice/help regarding which character and clothing software/companies are actually worth investing time into learning.

    Target programs are 3DC, Blender, Unreal Engine, mostly still image realistic renders.

  3. Hi all,

    Haven't used 3DC in a really long time, and when I did, I just kinda goofed around with it... :)

    My version is 3DCoat 2022 Individual.

    I have a few projects that need some of the features I think 3DC can provide, but honestly I don't remember where to start! There are a few objects I want to use - some are generally flat, but others undulate a bit (a tapestry, a paper coffee bag, coffee cup, and some pillows) and are usually in .obj format. I have and usually use Rhino to create my 3D object, or get the objects from other resources. Blender is mostly my target app for rendering/environments.

    I'd like to:

    1) paint color & some shading/wear/tear directly on to the objects,
    2) Create some labels, decals, & text in other software (I typically use Illustrator/Photoshop) and import & apply to objects so that it looks sharp.

    Process would be Import > paint or decal > export > import to Blender

    So - feeling like I'm coming back to 3DC as someone who's never used it except to paint a robot... where should I start?
    Note that I'd rather not go through full interface/features tutorials at the moment since I need to get a working "proof of concept", though I can certainly go through anything absolutely necessary for this process.


  4. 32 minutes ago, Tony Nemo said:

    In Sculpt, Geometry menu for getting your Retopo mesh. Your retopo mesh is visible in the Sculpt room when using Move, Pose and Transform tools. Make sure your Retopo mesh conforms to your Scu;pt model.

    Hi Tony - thanks for the note - 

    I mean I am not getting any visible result in the Retopo Room... nothing when I go back to Sculpt, either.

  5. Follow-up while I'm exploring: I've brought a Sculpt into Retopo with Autopo. No problem.

    Went back & edited in Sculpt, and now cannot get any visible results in Retopo room.

    Any ideas what might be going on?

    I did this previously with a different model, and was able to delete the previous one from the Retopo Objects menu.


  6. Hi everyone,

    Just really starting to get into 3D coat even though I should have done it like 6 years ago :)

    Anyway, just goofing around learning the program. I am doing vehicle sketches in the Sculpt room with symmetry first. My intent is to bring it to Retopo to create a model with hard edges.

    I'm starting with the smallest sphere, but getting a LOT of detail while sculpting that can be smoothed out. I want to be able to reduce the complexity of a lot of the areas that get "sculpting noise" during the process. I've played around with resolution, and tried cloning with less detail, but couldn't get it to work. What's the best way to reduce complexity before bringing into Retopo?

    Then, once in Retopo... two main questions.

    First, is there a way I can get the model to appear solid? Only seems to be transparent or semi-transparent.

    Next, is there a "best" way to select a few polys and "flatten" them out to the same plane? There are a lot of little areas with detail I want to get rid of before adding my own.

    Bonus question! In Retopo, how do I "get rid of" the sculpt model and create "final" geometry?





  7. Interesting - I've never had issues with my Mac / Cooling / Fans, and it only really started cranking when I did a lot of rendering-specific tasks.

    Recently, I tried Adobe Dimension CC and the fans begin spinning FAST almost immediately, well before any cooling would be needed.

    I haven't done much other 3D work on my Mac (I'm mainly using my PC for 3D stuff at the moment) but wonder if there was something changed in the way graphics-intensive processes call for cooling.

  8. Hi Carlosan, here's what I do:

    1) Click cube (highlighted) (gray cube appears)

    2) Click apply

    3) Instructions still say to "Press the highlighted button to APPLY the primitave" 

    4) Click apply ... repeats indefinitely, so:

    5) Click right-arrow and it prompts to select primitive again, which is now the Ellipse

    6) Press apply... cube remains highlighted in RED; repeats indefinitely

    7) Press forward arrow & prompted to select Washer

    8 ) Hit "apply"... repeats indefinitely

    9) Hit forward arrow, get message "Mission has not been completed."




  9. 28 minutes ago, Carlosan said:

    Click Apply on Tool Options window popup.


    Hi Carlosan - as noted above

    "If I hit the "Apply" button in Tool Options, it seems to let me use the arrow to continue, but after the third one, it says "Mission has not been completed."

    In other words, that doesn't work. It's also not highlighted, but that's a different matter...


  10. Hi all,

    I haven't used 3DCoat much, so decided to go through the tutorials.

    In the "Primitives" tutorial, it asks me to "Select on of the primitives type on the top panel by clicking on it", which I do. (It seems to only respond if you click the pre-selected primitive.)

    Then, it instructs "Press the highlighted button to APPLY the primitive" - but there is no button highlighted

    If I hit the "Apply" button in Tool Options, it seems to let me use the arrow to continue, but after the third one, it says "Mission has not been completed."

    What am I missing?


  11. Hi all,

    Can't figure out how to get STL files to import.

    Attached are two pictures, the first from 3DC, and the second from form-z... obviously the 3DC one (which clearly shows the issue I'm trying to solve) is upside-down and with lots of normals reversed... (the side with knobs looks even worse) - any help appreciated!



  12. Hey all,

    Really trying to understand what I need to do in 3DC to prepare a model to import into Unreal Engine...

    I realize I need a separate UV channel for a lightmap (and, honestly, don't know much about UVs, and am still new to 3DC) but I'm having a hard time finding any guidance or tutorials about this procedure...

    Any recommendations?


  13. Hi everyone,

    Just getting back into 3DCoat after being away for a while... I've updated and planned on practicing with the "default robot", but can't find it now!

    I forget how I found it last time. Where can I get this?



  14. I'm frustrated as I can't seem to figure out what format / settings to use to import an object so that it has "good" geometry - everything seems to have faces missing, weird angles, normals reversed, etc.

    My main modeling programs are FormZ and Sketchup...

    I know it's a broad question but I've been trying to figure it out for a few hours without success!

    Any help appreciated!



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