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Posts posted by calidos

  1. I did a simple model.

    1. Photogrametry with Photoscan saved as OBJ with texture.
    2.  I imported as mesh into 3D-Coat and added some color, and golden and silver texture. (see attached image)

    3. I uploaded to Sketchfab (directly from 3DC) and the model, original texture and colors appears perfect, but no golden and silver ones.

    Take a look: https://skfb.ly/WLsO

    What I'm doing wrong?

    Thanks for help!

    Captura de pantalla 2016-11-27 a les 0.08.04.png

  2. Hi friends,

    I imported a scaned model (from photogrammetry), I painted it with several layers, and now I would like to export model to OBJ and a simple texture 8K resolution (JPEG or PNG...) to use in a scene for animation with Cinema 4D.

    I tryied different option to export color textures and I have only a 256x256 pix PSD with all color layers but empty.

    3D-Coat is so complex and with so so many options that do a simple task like this it's no easy for ocasional users like me.

    Thanks in advance!

  3. I imported a scaned model, I painted it with several lauers of flat color, and one layer with gold color (with especularity). I uploaded to Sketchfab and model and lauyers go OK, but no gold specularity. Please could anyone help me?


  4. Yes Phil! You are right... the texture was not in same folder.

    The issue has not been easy to solve. The export model from Photoscan create a model of a very small scale, the center shifted and turned axes. So I have been unable to scale, and recenter the model in 3DC. I find the program very little intuitive honestly. To solve this I imported the model there in C4D and in few minutes I've scaled, rotated and recenter the model, and exported back to OBJ, but the matter is that the 3DC the X was fliped, I had to rebuild again the subject with C4D then normals tours... So has been a little nightmare .... something so simple ... I think finally managed to have a scale model correctly and with good texture, ready to paint in 3DC.
    Just I've a small doubt because at first glance it seems that the resolution of the mesh is not as accurate as the other programs I have used. You can see attached some comparative screenshots.
    I appreciate your advice again is clear and my ignorance in the use of the program hope to improve with time.

    Many thanks!



  5. Firt steps in right direction, but lost again.

    1. import mesh for voxelization OK

    2. Select mesh and Aply: apears model in color but not right stone texture from photogrammetry

    Captura de pantalla 2016-08-21 a les 2.46.47.png

    3. going to Paint section and paint model OK, but not in a new layer

    Thanks again!

  6. hi all,

    I'm totally new to the program 3D-Coat, although more than 20 years I routinely using professional 3D programs, like Form-Z, Cinema 4D, and others.
    SInce a year ago I’m developing the technique of photogrammetry, especially in the field of cultural heritage.
    (look some models here: https://sketchfab.com/calidos/models)
    I currently have the project done on virtual simulations of medieval polychrome stone. I tried the program C4D Body Paint (Maxon) and the possibilities of Z-Brush, but when I see the possibilities of 3D-Coat I was done and I quickly acquired a license.
    But now I've gone into developing the actual simple project I am totally lost. Although I have tried dozens of tutorials on the web truth is that when I go to work, even with simple things, I lose at once, and I have to start again. Things as simple as importing a model and rotate it and import the original texture, become a nightmare.
    Obviously my guilt for my initial low level, but never would have thought that a program so difficult to enter.
    Finally, let the concrete steps if someone can give me a helping hand.

    What I get is the following:
    1. I have created a model with Photoscan (1 million polygons and 4K texture). The model is not a solid, it is a complex surface. (See pictures)
    2. I exported the model from Photoscan to OBJ + MTL + JPEG. It size 72MB.
    3. I would like to import the model with texture in 3D-Coat, turn it in position accurately and repair some holes and gaps.
    4. then I would like paint the model in different layers with flat colors and some gold parts.
    5. finally export everything to C4D to animate results.

    I understand that the program allows extraordinary things, and my aim should be incredibly easy. Belive or not I spent a month trying to do this and I’m totally frustrated.
    Many thanks forward for your understanding and help.



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