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  1. Perfect! Thank you for the reply. I`m doing concept of isometric 2d sprites. There is a way to rotate the camera in small steps like 15º degrees at the time. For example, in Blender you can press Ctrl+Shif+Whell or Shift+Alt+Whell to rotate the view itself along the view's x and y normal and get angles like that: It helps a lot with preview and cut plus the 2D grid. I think I can use the camera shortcut for this but I can't find where to manually set the rotation of the camera. How to scale evenly in two axis? For example, y and z but not x?
  2. And aixs aligned points with tools like brush splines, Quads tool. And how to align already created vertex in retopo.
  3. I'm having a hard time to understand the workflow with straight lines and snapping to angles like 90º or 45º. In retopo tools like Add/Split is appears that I can click, hold and press shift. But I works great only for the first line and I have to set 4 of them to make a quad. How to snap to angle with line brush (and tools like Pose Tool)?
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