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Posts posted by noex65

  1. Hey!
    Looking for a function or at least a set of steps to easily duplicate something like a finger for the rest of the hand? Like zbrush select brush where then you can duplicate, invert selection, etc.
    I'm looking to keep that one finger where it is so no vox-hiding/objectifying to then duplicate (at least looking for a workflow faster than having to crop it, duplicate it, merge both of them)
    Here's what I'm working on. I'm working in Voxel mode. 

    (Figuring out how to select something and only modify that selection has also eluded me :( )


  2. 15 minutes ago, AbnRanger said:

    Use the STAMP draw mode in the E-PANEL (E-Key), to drag that shape with a brush like Extrude or Absolute.

    Hey! Using the extrude or absolute with stamp helps but it creates that connection between voxels from the tip of the fur to the actual mesh, my hope is to not have that so I've been substituting by using the move tool at an angle with that alpha. I just made this post to confirm if there's nothing like dragrect in 3dcoat or anything close to it. So far with experimenting, I also dont see a snakehook tool (at least not in voxel) but also one that takes alpha (on surface)

  3. 1 hour ago, Yousung said:

    I don't know if this is the function you want,
    How about using 2D-Paint?


    Hey! Thanks for the response! It's not quite what I was looking for, basically looking for something that can create negative space between the alpha and the brush (like dragrect where you can click and pull to change direction, size, etc with negative space below it) like in the first picture.

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  4. I've been scouring the forums and I don't think I've found anything relating much to this topic. Recently got a couple fur brushes for Zbrush and wanted to export them into 3d coat but found that I couldn't exactly use them as the alphas and height were being read slightly different in 3Dcoat than in zbrush. I just wanted to confirm that I'm not missing anything or if theres actually a way to go about this. Thanks!



  5. I can't seem to get over this issue that I dont think anyone else has had or the forum post is hard to dig through.


    3d-coat 4.9.57(GL64)

    Im slamming my head against my keyboard, there are so many simple add/split polygons and they just seem to snap through the model onto some random other edge or it just disappears into infinite. The following steps I took: 

    Model --> decimate via retopo --> just trying to add/split

    Any ideas? I'm going mad, the snapping onto random things I was doing before has completely disappeared when I needed it and im now left with this. 

  6. Seems like after changing the name to "Wood_Planks_tbykeacs_4K_surface_ms.zip", one of the examples in the video, it works in the automatic detection but the files are not uploaded into the actual material. I suspect the naming convention by quixel causes 3dcoat to not be able to parse their files. Is it possible you can show a screenshot of what the inside of a 3dcoat material folder looks like so we can arrange them properly or so? 

  7. Haven't been able to find a working solution yet after browsing through a ton of forum posts.

    I've tried it on 4.9.57 and 4.9.65 to no avail. I set up the downloads folder under Edit --> preferences --> Quixel folder and I've also tried exporting them into downloads folder and manually zipping them. None of them make it so that 3dc detects it and automatically imports them. Trying to manually install them through file install smart material only gives me a blank material.

    The files exported from quixel are 2k res and none of the settings are touched. They are all surfaces. Any ideas? 


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