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Posts posted by farsthary

  1. Yes, the DIRECT method is the "loose" retopology you are talking about, is nice and clean, ZERO poles, at the expense of giving up some control, like polyxo and AbnRanger said. I should probably demonstrate it more.


    The purpose of the HYBRID method is that the patch shape dictates the polygon flow and there lies the control, you don't need HOURS to came up here with nice results, just minutes,  yes, sometimes you need to tweak afterwards, but those are minor tweaks. You can experiment , go back and forth and for artist you will master the tool very quickly.


    This is a semi-automatic retopology tool, it means you will still have to work for what you want, is not a button do-it-all-for-me. Eventually I could work in a fully automatic method, either improving Autopo or extending it with these algorithm but for now I'm here. 

    In those clips I showed careless patching, for demostration purposses. A real artist who wants to control the polygon flow better will come up with better patches.

    Direct: patches loosely controls quad flow, No poles

    Hybrid: patches strongly controls the flow, some poles but more natural flow according to the parch shape.

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  2. @Taros

    QuadStrips works very similar to Blender's RetopoFlow.

    Is spline based quadrangle strips, instead of using just strokes like QuadPaint. It will be easier to outline patches and then filling them. I had to pause it in order to finish QuadPaint because the last one is the main algorithm and was the most advanced, but should quickly follow QuadPaint first public release.

    It has no functionality yet in the public release,  is an alpha there.

    • Like 1
  3. @TimmyZDesign


    It is very interesting your idea, thanks!


    Currently QuadPaint algorithm does not work on poles as an input, they are just the output. I will currently take the algorithm to its full potential as is also a research in progress too. For future iterations it will evolve much more but for now I need to focus on ironing it, so the huge base of artists can start using it and feedback me with field data.


    I haven't merge my code with Andrew trunk so probably the version available in public builds is way behind, more in the alpha stage.

    Will do it soon!



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  4. @AbnRanger and Michaelgdrs


    True, if the contour has an odd number of vertices it will have at most 1 triangle (quad dominant), but if is even it will be quad complete. In the video I was showcasing a somewhat sketchy retopology where I didn't care about the evenness of the patches. The good news is that you don't have to select strokes in any order and you will be able to control that with vertices insertion/deletion, splits, cuts, etc.

    Is already implemented into that SimpleStrokes sub-tool but not just exposed yet.

    Also a preview mode will help to work in a non destructive way before applying to mesh and showing each patch side vertices count will greatly aid in that.


    With even strokes and matching vertices the quality will be very, very good and moreover, Is fun! I actually find myself playing with the tool :) drawing crazy patches and explore different mesh partitions easily.


    This method can be extended also to Autoretopology if I implement auto partition of the mesh with patch pairing and it will have the advantage of not shrinking too much polygons in small areas like the current Autopo, but that will be another tool ;) Imagine also this tool used in combination with QuadStrips where you have more control on the splines.


    with QuadPaint I want artist freedom.

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  5. @haikalle hmm.. couldn't find the issue even on your testbug file.



    As an extra note there are some tools, like rapid and rapid2 where is possible for mesh to become stretched and overlapping and if you continue to sculpt over stretched triangles or overlapping mesh of course it will grow into ill mesh, those tools by definition don't protect the mesh from the artist, in those cases small sanitation as you sculpt is advised, like smoothing here and there, may be an undo... that's not the type of bug I'm looking, but rather mesh "explosions" caused by inverted/uninitialized normals as show by digman picture.

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