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Posts posted by farsthary



    My guess is there is some sort of tension setting that pulls the in-between polys thin?

    Something along the lines... anyway is not big deal, end quads can be scaled, rotated and moved.

    But of course in the polishing part I will try to make them all as even as possible or the sizing more evenly distributed.

    I haven't made yet the tangent gizmos and this is not the final drawing from, is just a debug drawing.

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  2. @Taros

    Thanks, yes, a similar tool for quad strips is following next in my Todo list, after developing this tool is not harder to accomplish that, and I meant starting really soon.


    Just a quick update: it does not generate N-gons, is a Quad dominant remeshing so is most quads with some triangles, but never an N-gon (n>4) also, depending on your stroke you get more or less cleaner results. if you go wild stroking like I did in the second part of the video you get arbitrary meshing, but if you do steady and quad-like patches like in the first part you will get more even fill. Stroke shape and spacing controls the tilling.

    I know the poly flow is not quite there yet, and I have stated that before, but digging deeper in that will be done in the next major iteration of that tool. For now I must focus on the work flow of the tool, clearing bugs and optimizing it (is 80% done) the way strokes are welded/intersected, the way we can start painting from closest stroke points, etc, all of that is done already.

    Te problem with the polygon flow is that there are hundreds of papers out there on theory of how to achieve them and very few practical hints (I've study them a lot)

    So for now is more a prototype fill, it will have some ill geometry but can be quickly corrected using all other topology tools. And once I implement a good quad fill routine it will be easy to drop in place and update it.

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  3. Hi guys :)

    Easy  :D  I'm having some issues in real life here but hopefully I will sort them out on my own, the good news is that i'm taking notes of community interest and I will try to do as much as I can, but one step at a time (don't want later an angry community for not polishing existing tools ;)  remember this same community asked for a slow down in pace of new features added so I put some brakes)

    But there's plenty of good stuff to come!

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  4. @PolyHertz

    I will be working around retopo room for some time now, as soon as I finish and polish a family of tools I'm working on as was posted before here I will make sure to add a proper relax/smooth tool to this room as requested if I have a clear vision of it, but currently I'm really busy with the 80-20 rule: the polishing part, that remaining 20% of the code, will demand the 80% of your time ;)

    Cheers to all.

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  5. You're absolutely right, is that once ideas start flowing in your mind is very hard to put them on hold because eventually you will loose interest to make them once you are soaked into the necessary but tedious task of polishing. I'm more the creative type of coder ;)

    Is like in an animated film production line: the key animators, the in-betweeners etc.

    Unfortunately programming is not as easy to delegate so we must perform all the roles making mistakes in  the process. I will try to improve this on myself!

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  6. LOL thanks :) I will try to come up with the best workflow suited for 3DCoat but will try to take into account the best of the competence  B)  Anyway it will not happen overnight because we have more urgent matters like making rock solid what we have, the rest will be relatively easy. 3DCoat exels at million poly models so low poly modeling will be blazing fast assuming we can somehow reuse the same experience and data structures there  ^_^  but I'm very confident it will be really good.

    Subdivision surfaces is another major feature that should follow and if depends on me I will use Industry standards for that, there's no point on reinvent the wheel ;)

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