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Bob Morane

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Everything posted by Bob Morane

  1. Bah, what looked like a good start ended up like a disaster OK, here is a view of the door panel. As you can see it was a very simple (and boring) mesh and i wanted to give it some details. I know it's possible to model this directly in a usual polygon based modeler but i wanted to try 3DCoat on this and see if it was easier. Indeed doing this was pretty easy with voxels and the help of the tinker objects, but than comes the hard par (for me), re-topology. What do you think of it? Is it possible to re-topo this or not? If possible how would you start? I'm totally new to 3DCoat and all the tutorials here are based on organic objects or simple primitives. I'd like to be able to tell exactly what i can do, and what i can't do after the end of the 30 days trial.
  2. Ah, i managed to get somemething that slowly looks like the beginning of a result by manualy drawing quads. However, i miss the ability to constrain drawing in one direction, i tried all modifier keys (like ctrl, alt ...) while dragging my quads, it seems like i can't force them to be drawn in one axis. Javis, your videos would probably be my first purshase after 3Dcoat but i first want to be sure i can get something out of it. I don't want to by the tutorials if i end up not buying the software
  3. Hello everyone. I've started playing a bit with the Demo of 3DCoat a few days ago. Had my eyes on the soft for several months thought. I would really like to know how to retopo Hard Surfaces too. I already figured auto retopo is a no-no for hard surfaces but even manual retopo doesn't seem to work very well, or more probably i'm really bad at retopo. What kind of advance planning and how does layers help me for this? I thought hard surfaces would be quite easy to retopo with few polys but actually they are extremely tricky. It seems no matter what i do i can't set a point on an edge. It will always fall on one side or the other. I mostly tried adding details to (very basic) objects created in an external modeler. Is it possible to use the original mesh as a guide for retopo when doing this? Goboto is nice but unfortunately doesn't import external meshes.
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