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Found 3 results

  1. Hi all, New to 3DC, old to 3D. Was playing around with 3DC... and had used the Ressample + command many times... and then just now, started a new project with a sphere, and the "Resample" (with question mark) is there... but Res+ is no longer in the commands list. That's a bit frustrating... any ideas why it mignt not be there? Thanks ever so much R
  2. Hi all, This post is about a problem similar to the "Slow" AutoPo from a few days ago... Symptoms: AutoPo seems slow to me, (but I may not be calibrated well) AutoPo is ignoring guides... and the new topology seems almost random (awful) AutoPo is ignoring density painting I have a required count of 15,000, but I am getting less than 1,500!!! Settings: Required polycount: 15,000 Z-Symmerty on Hardsurface retopology on, crease angle: 30.000 Quad Quality, Best/Slowest Auto-density influence: 1.0 Decimate if Above is: On Decimate model till (x1000): 40.000 Smoothing result: On Guides are not intersecting. Guides are few. I am reading that 4.0 may have been better for AutoPo... I'd like to try that and see, but I'm not sure how to get it. As I'm new to this, I may be making some total noob mistake... but still, it doesn't seem too hard. I have been delivered results that are usually a bright green retopo, but once was a blue retopo... which I thought odd. Thanks ever so much for your kind help, R Update: Setting Voxelize Before to ON improved things quite a bit, but there are holes, and the density painting seems to have no effect. Guides SEEM to be getting followed, although it may be only that it is logical that they do.
  3. Hello everyone! To be honest, I'm not positive if I only missed some setting that will turn off complex calculations I don't need. But, after having updated to version 4.1, the AUTOPO function will take a very long time. I did not measure the time, but I'd say it takes about 10 times longer than it used to in version 4.0. Even if I set the quality to "Draft quality - fastest", there will not be a major difference. Also, when AUTOPO is finally finished, the mesh will not have the polycount I chose in the dialogue window (difference of about 1000 polys). If I remember correctly, in 4.0, the resulting meshes used to have differences of about 50 polygons. I am using the Mac OS version of 3D-Coat on Mac OS 10.7.5. Many thanks in advance for any help! Greetings, Shu
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