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  1. Dear 3D Coat Devs/Users, My name is Austin. I believe this is my first time posting on this Forum. If, I did before it was a while back. Anyway, Hello to You all!!! :-) Here is the plan. I am completely and utterly new to 3D Coat. I have been trying to learn it for about 2 months now but I keep getting stuck. Dimensions, Ratios, and Math in general is not my strong suit. and, I tend to get overwhelmed by all the options and UI. But, I am determined. I also keep finding a lack of English tutorials to learn 3D Coat on Youtube. As, I am 100% better learning from a video than reading Anyway, I am rambling. I have a longtime Bestfriend and We have been dating a while and have talked about Marriage many of times. We both are very much in Love with eachother and She is Extremely special to Me. and, because of this. I want to make something Extremely special for Her. I do not want to go into a Jewelry Store and Buy a ring. I want to be able to make Her one. and, design it myself. I found a 3D Printing company that will print whatever I make into 14k Gold. and, I already have a Heart cut blue topaz. I want to use 3D Coat to design the ring so that I can give the .obj file to the 3D Printing company to have them print the ring for Her. and, than have it sent to Me to finish assembling(putting the stone in) polishing it once more and than putting it in a ring box to propose to Her. Now, Here is where it gets tricky. I know absolutely nothing about 3D Coat or the interface and what everything does. I do not want someone to "do it for Me" or "to design one for Me" I want to be able to do it on my own. I just need guidance, advice. I took the next 3 weeks off at work so I can learn and work on this and get it printed. as, I am planning on proposing to Her hopefully on Christmas morning. If, I can get this finished by then. So, Where do I start? and, I will Greatly appreciate any advice / help / e.t.c.! -Austin
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