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Found 2 results

  1. As I was UV mapping a model yesterday I assumed that the Complex Checker orientation needed to be readable to be correct, but that doesn't seem to be right at all. Here all of the islands are rotated and flipped so that I can read the complex texture (I assumed that's how it's supposed to work): But the result had the opposite effect. I could paint and it would appear as I expected, but on the UV map, everything was backwards–flipped and rotated in the wrong direction: Starting over, I rotated all the islands so that they were upside down. (didn't need to flip anything, they were all already backwards): The end result shows that the painting is in the right orientation: Is it supposed to be that way? Am I always to assume now that my UVs need to be backwards to be correct? Anyone else experiencing the same thing? I'm using version 4.5.23C. Thanks!
  2. What I would really like is to be able to have a shortcut key to rotate the brush alphas 90 degrees with each press and another to horizontally flip the brush. I find I`m taking to long typing in '90' or '-90' etc which is not efficient when trying to draw. If there is already a shortcut for it and I`ve missed it or something has already requested this, I apologise in advance. Cheers!
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