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Found 4 results

  1. Hi everyone. I'm new to using 3DCoat though I've kept an eye on it for quite a while. I recently decided to add it to my box of tools and see if I can make it a solid part of some workflows. Anyway, the icon for 3DCoat in the dock (macOS Mojave) is just a generic .jpeg icon. I found the .icons file in the application package, so it's there but not linked. I've never had this issue with any other application (not that it breaks anything, just annoying and not as easy to find the application in the dock). When I had the demo a few months ago, I don't think this happened. Any know if there is a work around for this with the current build of 3DCoat, or maybe a fix in an update? Thanks for any help.
  2. I have having some very annoying issues with shader preview icons not previewing correctly (see images). At first it was happening with the Metal shader previews... which I have just put up with in the hope that they would be fixed after updating the software, but they are still not displaying correctly. Now my Polymer previews are also doing this after last night when I right clicked one of the Polymer shaders and either clicked on either Rename Shader, Construct New Shader or Edit Permanent Shader Settings (I can't remember which one). At first it was just the one preview that was not displaying correctly, I read the thread, https://3dcoat.com/forum/index.php?/topic/22839-solved-shader-preview-problem/ so tried right clicking and clicking Refresh this Preview... no luck, so tried right clicking and selecting Refresh All Previews... which caused ALL the Polymer shader previews to display incorrectly. Any help would be appreciated!! I am still a new user so maybe I just did something wrong? Really love this software though for the main part! Thanks guys.
  3. Hi, Please check and confirm if you get the same problem: http://3dcoat.com/mantis/view.php?id=2120 Below are full details of the bug-report: SUMMARY When using "3DCOAT SKIN", Green ANSWERED-badge icon is broken. DESCRIPTION When logged into forums, any topics which have the green ANSWERED-badge associated with them, show a broken icon because the image source file does not exist in the theme. STEPS TO REPRODUCE Log into forums. Make sure "3DCOAT Skin" is selected as the theme. Enter a board, such as "3D COAT FORUMS, GENERAL 3D-COAT, 3D-COAT". Every topic that has the ANSWERED-badge shows a broken icon. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Refer to images below for a visual description of the problem. (Screenshots taken while browsing with Firefox.) Cheers, AgentSam PS. I have not discovered how I can edit/correct my own bug-reports on Mantis after I have posted them.. is there a way to do that? PPS. Are there any resizing parameters that can be used with the BBCode img tag?
  4. Hi, in the tutorial videos I saw there is an "T" icon on top of the left panel, for setting the display of icons for the tools. However I don't have that "T" icon on my left panel, and now the tools showing their name with text only. How can I show the tool icons on the left panel? thanks ~
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