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Found 5 results

  1. hello, I'm new to 3DCoat and trying to learn this software. I'm following a tutorial for voxel sculpting. Each time I try to make a shape using sphere voxel tool, the shape has a weird angle, if I increase the depth of the brush the angle is greater the same is the case when I cut through the shape. Why is this happening and how can I solve this?
  2. I just wanted to create a thread here dedicated to hard surface sculpting/modeling in 3D-Coat. Feel free to post any tips, tricks, tutorials, or whatever you know about it so as to help the community out. I'll start by adding a nice timelapse video I found on Youtube. I saw some useful techniques used here that I thought were worth sharing. Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AVERcG9Qy8
  3. lala14

    Guardian of North

    From the album: Lamnho

    Trying to focus on bringing out the emotion Turntable via link https://www.artstation.com/artwork/2XmAv
  4. Hello, I am working on a Pseudo-3D game which resembles Diablo 1. I am using the renders from 3D-Coat to complete my project. As you may already know, Pseudo 3D is still 2D but the camera angle is NorthEast and pivoted approximately 30 degrees from the top of the characters head. I have found the Render in 3D Coat to be extremely easy, however I find it near impossible to render perfect angles because I am terrible at adjusting the click and move angles. Is there a tab that I am missing that has the coordinates to adjust the camera that I can just plug in? I can't seem to find it if so. Thank you for your time, James Wick
  5. I would like to see a feature where I can limit the painting of an area by the angle adjacent faces. Similar to the "ingore back faces" option in the E-panel. There should be a limiter where one could set the angle which allows or prevent the painting or modelling of the area. MeshMixer or 3ds max has this option in the face selection dialog.
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