One thing I have had a continued issue understanding is how you paint a neat continuously flowing texture onto an organic surface, attached is similar to what I mean. This image was created in blender by creating a flat repeating texture, and then taking a copy the original UV unwrap, stitching it back together, and distorting parts of it to get the texture to shrink or grow in scale where smaller scales or larger ones need to be, this created a nice flow to the texture that looks like natural scales, this obviously created a lot of overlaps and a really bizarre looking UV map, but it works for getting the texture to flow around the body. I thought there might be a way in 3D coat to make the stencil use this UV for it's lay out while paint to the original UV map. However, 3D coat didn't like it at all, and basically re automapped the whole thing. So, if I can't do that, really I wonder what use the UV map mode of the stencils are? Also if I can't do it this way, how do you get this kind of result in 3D coat without using a custom UV map just for the stencils? Every time I try to use the stencils to paint a scale pattern, no matter what kind of other mode I use, I can't get it to flow together nicely, I end up with various sized splotches and muddy mixes.