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  1. Hello hi, I'm sorry, this is a question that probably comes up a lot over here, but Google or search don't cover everything. Or its just very outdated and I'm really REALLY not very techy at all, I'm trying tho, my PC doctor is of no help either he keeps addressing AMD cards. (specs at the bottom ) I would absolutely want to make fully worked out game ready characters and dive deeper into 3D, if possible in 3DC because I just like the workflow, and I was thrilled to find an affordable sculpting all around program,I love 3DC, buuuuut I'm having technical difficulties that surfaced even faster in 3DC because of how it works, Voxels n all. More than often 3DC shuts down with messages like 'not enough virtual memory' and simply 'not enough memory' or crashes and has me send the errors to the devs. But I gather its related. Not to mention making holes in the mesh. As for virtual memory I have been doing research, my PC has full access to 16364MB, I didn't have to change anything in preferences so that's the full 16 RAM being used. At least I suspect it to be. Do I perhaps have to change something in 3DC itself ? My graphic card is a whole different story tho '1024MB ATI AMD Radeon HD 5800 Series (MSI)' I suspect this is the culprit. I'd very much like a CUDA card to give 3DC more power. After browsing here I found some cards, but I'd like to have more experienced people to take a look at what the best solution is I'd rather not find out I'v done a misbuy. I'v found the EVGA line recommended here ranging from the budget one to the slightly more expensive . However in the store I'v found the ASUS line, the prices are nearly identical, maybe even a bit cheaper I think I'v seen this one at the store . Is there a significant performance difference between these two lines ? I'm pretty sure I'v seen a 4gig ASUS geforce as well that didn't reach 300 euro, or is the EVGA still the better one for 3D work. And, regardless of series, would the cheaper ones have enough horsepower to not crash and minimize the lag ? Or do I have no choice to go to the more expensive solutions if I want to work headache free ? ofcourse the specs ;
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