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Found 4 results

  1. Hello! I am having an issue with our floating licenses of 3D Coat. 4.5.40 and 4.7 are crashing on startup while 4.5.23 runs fine. On startup, the interface just quits BOOM. I get the load screen, then the interface window comes up briefly, then it shuts off. Machine specs are: iMacs Retina 5k 27 inch late 2015 3.2 Ghz Intel i5 16 GB Ram 1867 MHz DDR3 AMD Radeon R9 M390 2048 MB I have attached the crash report. Excelsior! Eric Kunzendorf Jacksonville University ekunzen@ju.edu 3DCoatCrashReport.txt
  2. We would like to deploy 3D-Coat to our visual arts student computer labs. The software deployment and management tool that we use is fairly flexible but in order to report on what version is installed on the lab systems and determine if the software should be deployed or updated we need to have a way of determining the accurately version of 3D-Coat.app from files on disk. Typically, and the standard method, would be to use the application CFBundleVersion or CFBundleShortVersionString. Unfortunately this is set to 1.0 for 3D-Coat.app. Could this please be updated to accurately display the correct version with each new release? This seems trivial but is a major roadblock for us to be able to mass-deploy and properly manage software. Apple has a lot of documentation on it if required but simply updating the two keys within the 3D-Coat.app/Contents/Info.plist file is all that we would need. Thanks!
  3. Hello, I just downloaded 3d Coat demo to evaluate the software, I'm running out of space on my local hard drive and I'm running the software from my external hard drive. The problem I'm having is that text is not rendered by the program. If I move the app folder to the Applications root folder it works ok, but if I move it back to my external hard drive the text is not rendered. Is there something I can do to have this problem solved? Thank you very much.
  4. Hi, I'm trying out a trial version for 3D-Coat of 3.7 16A and 3.7 08B on Mac OS X Montain Lion 10.8. Everything seem to work great, except I cannot see a brush size circle or shape curve. All I am seeing is the transparent round white gradient and a dot. Have pressed Caps lock on and off, but it doesn't matter. Is it a bug or have I forgotten something? Uploaded a picture. The foggy thing there is my default mouse pointer in both versions.
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