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  1. Transfer render settings v1.3 Description: The script allows to temporarily store and then restore render settings of a scene. It can be used to transfer them between different scene files or restore those settings after they're reset by merging 3b files. Settings will be kept in memory for the duration of 3D Coat's session or until overwritten by storing new render settings. With this new version you'll also be able to save and load your render settings to and from the disk. Installation: The following actions will place the Transfer render settings script in the Scripts menu. 3D Coat v4.0.16A or newer Windows Vista/7/8 Extract and copy ajz_tRenderSettings.txt and ajz_tRenderSettings.xml files to the following path: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\3D-CoatV4\Scripts\ExtraMenuItems\ Mac/Linux Extract ajz_tRenderSettings.txt file to a temporary directory and run it with Scripts->Run script command from inside 3D Coat. 3D Coat v4.0.16 Windows Vista/7/8 Extract and copy ajz_tRenderSettings_legacy.txt and ajz_tRenderSettings_legacy.xml files to the following path: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\3D-CoatV4\Scripts\ExtraMenuItems\ Mac/Linux Extract ajz_tRenderSettings_legacy.txt file to a temporary directory and run it with Scripts->Run script command from inside 3D Coat. Older versions of 3D Coat have buggy InstallToMenu function, so it won't be added to Scripts menu. 3D Coat v4.0.15A and older Windows Vista/7/8, Mac, Linux Extract the ajz_tRenderSettings_legacy.txt file to a temporary directory and run it with Scripts->Run script. This will add the script to the recent scripts list found in the Scripts menu. This way, as long the script remains on that list, you'll be able to bind a shortcut key to it or simply access the script by clicking it. Changelog: Version 1.3 - Hopefully resolved the bug with loading lights array that is longer than the current one. Altered some Step(n) values. The script might be a lil' bit slower, but should work. If you're restoring or loading render settings wait for the floating message before clicking OK. The settings are done loading ONLY after the message appears. Version 1.2 - Introduced new functionality: save and load files to and from the disk. - Completely rewrote the code. - Applied GNU GPL license. Version 1.1 - The script will now store all render settings in exception of: * view size, * render size, * render result (path). Version 1.0 - Store/restore most used render settings: * general render settings (lightness, AO percentage, DOF degree, DOF plane position); * complete lights array; * store alpha channel, antialiasing, 32-bit rendering and save lossless images. ------------------------------------ Latest version: Version 1.3 http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=15797&p=109950
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