Hello, again, folks! I've managed to finally get another training course established on Udemy. This time, it's called "Simple Game-Ready Asset Creation In 3D Coat." OK, so the title isn't so simple, but the aim is to focus on the process of making a game-ready asset in 3D Coat and getting it into a game engine. Below are the highlights: - 15 videos, covering over 2 hrs of instruction (not too long, not too short, honing in on most important concepts) - Simple asset creation (because most tutorials that aim to help you get your assets into a game engine spend too much time on the asset and not the process) - Organized process from concept to game engine (UDK and Unity) - Plus a bonus on how to get your asset into Marmoset! (For beauty shots!) The first 5 people to purchase the course will get 50% off the price, SO ACT FAST!!!
COUPON: https://www.udemy.com/simple-game-ready-asset-creation-in-3d-coat/?couponCode=U3D1002
DIRECT COURSE LINK: https://www.udemy.com/simple-game-ready-asset-creation-in-3d-coat/ <-- Currently only privately viewable, so 3D Coat community members get first dibs!