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  1. Hey guys! First time posting on this forum, but I do think this is a really important topic. It might have been already discussed before but I could not find it. So appologies if it's a duplicate topic. (also i was not able to post it into feature requests because it was grayed out). - So my topic would be about a request of making 3d-Coat texture painting part, so basically Painting Room a separate standalone software (for a slightly lower cost?) because it's pretty obvious that during the years 3dC has become a standard for hand painted texturing in the industry. - Already being used by Blizzard, Riot Games and countless professionals out there it seems pretty obvious to concentrate on this. I mean I completely get that the devs have a different picture in their head but to be completely honest, even though 3d-Coat is really great in everything from zero to a completely finalized render, I feel like it's still not a standard in the industry, (not even remotely) for retopo, or sculpting, or uvwrapping, or PBR texturing or rendering as for example Zbrush/Mudbox for sculpting, Subtance for PBR, or 3d-Coat for hand painted texturing! For me this seems like a missed opportunity and also hand painted texturing part could use a lot improvement, even though it's the best possible solutioun out there (and I've tried Deep Paint, Body Paint 3d, 3ds max Viewport Canvas, Substance Painter, Zbrush Zapplink with Projection Master to Photoshop, Photosop 3d paint... the only software i didn't try hand painted texturing in was Mari 3d but at that point I decided to buy 3d-Coat because it was the best of all the rest of these) So my thought was to have 3d-Coat as it is now but at the same time offer users to buy it only for texture painting, meaning all the rest of the software could be limited in that version and this could make it more accessable for people that would mean more sales and more possibilities to also improve it! Let me know what you guys think! Have a nice day! Csaba
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