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Found 3 results

  1. I have a problem with 3d coat at start. it just say that "program has stoped working" I did try to down grade Video driver to 384.94 with no result Then i down graded to 382.53 with no result either. My config is a Lenovo Y550 laptop with 860 gtx m gpu resently 3d coat was working on that note book before I had changed an operation system to win 10 pro N . Tnx in advance
  2. When I start 3D coat, the program opens but I do not get a clean screen everything menu that comes onto my screen stays there and I can not work.(see screenshot) Is there something I need to do after the installation, before I start. I get this with the dx version aswell as with the gl version. I am running 4.7.24 My computer is a laptop with windows 10 and a gtx960m.
  3. Can we please implement a way to draw circular with splines from the point we click in the direction we stroke, in addition to the way we already can. Currently, if I want to draw a circle from dead center of another circle, I have to constantly keep trial and error until I get it right. If I could check a box and then draw the spline from my start point out into the direction I stroke, I would have greater control. I also have no idea how to get a uniform circle, unless I hold shift, which also seems to smooth the paint with circle spline. This isn't what I want.
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