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Found 4 results

  1. Ive looked at the requirements for 3d coat and under normal with an i7 and 16gb ram you can get 20 million triangles. So does that mean 3dcoat can only run a maximum of 20 million or can it be more with better specs? I ask that because im looking at getting a 32gb ram and 11 gen i7 laptop and dont know how the software would run and what would be its limits. The other question i have is im currently using a surface pro with a surface pen on the 3dcoat demo and i have no pen pressure. Do i need to have a driver like zbrush or is there a setting for it? right now that would be the important thing to solve to use 3d coat properly.
  2. Hi all.. mediocre texturerer here so somewhat on the amateur side.. As you can see the attached image is a part to a model I've downloaded. Its triangulated to which I've unwrapped it myself in 3ds Max, though when imported into 3D Coat & apply a preset texture, the curvature map, calculates every triangulated edge & not just the physical corner edges. I have considered retopology but then I'd have to re-unwrap again which is more time consuming.. Is retopology the only solution around this?.. Thanks in advance...
  3. I started a thread looking at a possible bug where the object was not allowing me to close up gaps left from Autopo. http://3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=14954 At the end, I was left with 1 Triangle on it's own and am now trying to find a way to get rid of it. The only way I can think to achieve this goal would be to painfully shift the triangle's position from where it is up to the groin area on my model so it' meets with the Triangle from the other side... at which point.. I can merge them together though this will destroy my symmetrical seam that I have right now and isn't ideal. What other way is there to fix such an issue? I am going to try some things and if I get a solution I will upload a video showing how I did it for others. Hopefully someone has already faced this problem before and knows the way to fix it.
  4. hello every one my name is Mohamed Shaban iam from egypt 20 years old and i am 3d-artist work in cg for 2 years and love to model cartoon characters and interior and exterior , example mof my model and rig https://vimeo.com/41961584 my problem in autopo mode is not big , my problem is i get a good topology but i have triangles and n-gons and i don't know how i can convert this polygons to quad polygons and here is an example of my model in 1 and 2 pic if any one have a video or pic can help me about this problem share it ... and thanks for all
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