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Posts posted by Carlosan

  1. Replied in PM before you saw this.


    So I will copy and paste AbnRanger reply for new viewers.




    Okay, so here it is guys. Thought I'd copy everyone I've had some sort of exchange with. By the way, I also wanted to say I really like the forums tools here. Some of the best I've come across! Please confirm that you have downloaded the video file so I can remove it from my cloud storage. Thank you. 



    Hey Mike, thanks for taking the time to screen record what the problem is. Sometimes it's incredibly difficult to understand the issue without seeing what's actually going on in the viewport. Here is a video that helps explain the usage of the Image Planes in relation to your issue. Basically, just as it is when you merge a model into the Voxel Room or import a mesh into the Retopo room, you have a preliminary object...that just lets you move it about in the viewport + scale + rotate. You can't fully edit it until you commit the the object to a layer (by hitting the ENTER key or APPLY in the Tool Options panel).


    In this case, you are in a "Setup" mode of sorts, and get out of it by hitting the CLOSE button. I realize it's frustrating, so that's why most of the videos on the Youtube Channel were made. Try and watch the "Intro to 3D Coat series," and then cherry pick what you need from the "Feature Demo" playlist, among others.


  2. 3DC havent a mind of its own


    If you have the reference images menu OPEN... all the brush operation are performed over the images, not the sculpt layer.

    You must to CLOSE reference images menu to perform brush operations over the sculpt layer.


    And remember not to work in Non Uniform scale, always perform RMB > to global space.


    The learning curve in 3DC is high, is not an easy software to know deeply in one month... be ready to spend a LOT of time learning it.


    Why ?

    Because every room is a software inside a software

    3DC is a global solution -not total solution, but take some areas of model development-


    I suggest to watch all the official youtube videos and of course, read the manual


    Hope it help.

  3. ahhhhh
    web page gallery, ok


    this rules are for forum Gallery
    Personal gallery

    You can easily create your Personal Gallery on our website in 3 steps: *

    1. Upload screenshot or Turntable from 3DCoat program to 3d-coat.com server **
    - in program choose Help->Upload screenshot
    - for Turntable choose Help->Upload turntable

    2. Add images to Personal Gallery
    - after uploading follow link List of uploaded images under uploaded image
    - on List page choose Add to Personal Gallery action in dropdown menu in the right upper corner of list
    - check image(s) you want to add
    - press Selected button

    3. Add personal data and view you Gallery
    - follow link Your personal data where you can add your name or nickname and you website url. Press Submit
    - View Personal Gallery (link in left upper corner of List page)

    Example: Just for example my Gallery :)

    * for customers. If you are not customer you still can upload screenshot or Turntable to 3d-coat.com server and share it with others

    ** if you have already had uploaded images you can access it on Upload Screenshot page



  4. :huh:  To reach the big wall of fame galery on the main page  :huh: 

    - Are they choosen by the admins/moderators ?



    - An image must has been voted by 3 different people by minimum of 4 or 5 Stars (in average). 




    2 users vote same image 4 or 5 stars = no show  :(

    100 users vote same image 3 (or less) stars -average- = no show  :(

    3 -or more- users vote same image 4 or 5 stars -average- = show ^_^


    hope is more clear now, let me know please 

  5. http://farsthary.wordpress.com/



    Hi guys!

    Long time without posting! yes, mainly due to internal work that realy is not worth to publicly comment but not for being internal is less interesting and important.

    At least to me and 3DCoat and also the fact im in Cuba again :P
    Finally CopyClay is getting to its goal. many new features has being added and others got a major overhaul and improvement!

    Hope you like it!


  6. Put names correspondence feature OFF


    is the inverse of this example


    Since you have the eyes on a different voxel/surface layer you need to use the names correspondence feature or it other words sequential baking. 3DCoat will first bake the body and then bake the eyes. Right now from your image it appears that the eyelid is occluding the eyes...


    Watch this video, I believe it will solve your problem... Very important part of the video, Your vox tree layers and your retopo group layers must have the same name for this to work...


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