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Posts posted by G-Rom84

  1. This is why I asked if you had one...cause you're making assumptions without firsthand knowledge.

    but why? i tried it for enough amount of time and found that this device not for everyone, and not giving such vital benefit for its price, like for example graphic tablet do.

    If you don't use it, why not reserve judgment?

    to warn trustful people against purchasing things which it can appear unnecessary... and actualy why if u using it you think everybody must and be happy of it?

    By the way, you can buy a SpacePilot on EBay anywhere between $50-$100...not $800.


    No, I don't like to buy used things, and have not took into consideration this opportunity even if it would cost lower, its comfortably enough to work with pen in one hand and keyboard under another, instead of saerching headaches.

    If to speak about E-Bay, even if it is possible to find new goods there, often dealers not shipping them to my country only US or Canada accepted, rarely Europe. For the European E-Bay prices on goods are not far from mine which are in my local store, 50$ would not change to much, and would not iincline me to prefer spend less $ and make order on e-bay, mess with shippment, guarantee if sh!t happen accidently and so on.

  2. I wholeheartedly disagree.

    Its your right of course to have the different point of view from mine.

    Do you have one, and if so, what have you tried it with?

    No, luckily i have not step into temptation to spend money(the price is sick almost 800$ O_O) for device, which i am absolutely sure would lay under my table and collect dust. I tried it in max and the only thing which found useful, that it could be possible to navigate around the model due the cutting edges process whithout need to reactivate the cut tool, because in max it canceles cut tool after you begin to rotate around with standart navigation... In other apps there is no such trouble. also i must admit it could do a good job for animators, while animating camera movements... but i`m not animator, and i have only one right hand. with my left hand its inconvenient moving in scene whith any device such as mouse tablet or whatever, because it resulting in jumping inaccurate movements, also it has a few amount of buttons in comparison with a keyboard and switching from one device to another is not the funniest thing in the world due this process you also loosing your time.

    No more sculpt...stop....rotate...sculpt...stop...rotate.

    hehe, but how? After you have exposed the point of interest on the model, most likely you stoping the navigation process and begining to sculpt/paint/move verticles and so on, i am hardly beliving that you doing 2 tasks of navigating and modeling simultaneously, mabybe some sort of work in conjunction with drifting navigation and not so often.

    If you don't have coordination skills, how does that make the tool and support for it, useless for others?

    I dont think most of people have those skisls for the both hands. i could navigate well with my right hand, but what shoud do the left hand during this process if i coud not paint or sculpt with it?

  3. i think the good start would be to study some anatomy books, collect references of real people, some videos on female subj as variant porn or erotic clips which will help to understand better how body looks like from different angles, silhouettes and crossections. after that, the questions about why for example neck in reality doesn`t looks like that way - will disappear by itself. For this work i think arms looks very simple like they have no bones and muscles in them, the neck is overdone with muscles which also placed inaccurately, the rib cage looks odd, need to compare with references, clavicles sticking out too strongly, i dont know what to say about the head since its in such rough shape at this moment, and the other things which rips an eye, but i dont know english names of them.

  4. I think somebody expects too much from this retopo feature. I suppose it useful for fast making lo-poly basemeshes for further detailed sculpting them in Zbrush, because in Zbrush itself Adaptive skin with Zspheres generates meshes with lower quality, which is not quite nice to sculpt. As for hard surface retopo i think that it may past some time before it could be possible to make lo-poly from high-poly fully in automatic mode, its not simple task. Anyway i like new retopo, looks promising for organic modeling. Topogun seems useless now.

  5. +1... ехх жалко русскоговорящщее камьюнити на данном форуме малоактивное за исключением пары-тройки индивидуумов. наверн остальные евермоушены вставляют в сцены и верей ищют досхпор крякнутый... ехехе.

  6. I dont know any technical stuff about shaders, but using and switching them a lot, just simply to refresh an eye when sculpting in Brush(but nobody restricts to do such in any software), maybe shader and new look of a model with it can advice in wich direction to push further the design or something like that. somtimes it works, sometimes not... :rolleyes:

  7. Max and Maya share many of the same hotkey or naming conventions

    If it was always a rule, standardization and so on, but now and ever I have a strong feeling that developers are showing off before each other, trying to give to the tools wich sharing similar functionality as such complex and different namings as possible, wich of course doesn`t help in learning curve.

    as an example of 3dsmax and maya, in max I can easily understand wich tool can be the key and will make needed work from it`s context, at the other hand in maya feels like everything is against you even tool namings, without dictionary i could not make any step and even then, after I translate unclear naming there must pass some time before i understand - what the hell should that do! aha! at last! Hypershade is something like Material Editor!!!

    and situation was even worse, untill autodesk bought maya, and have changed some common used tool names and menus.

    Ps I`m not 3dsmax fan or maya hater - I just hate them both. :D

  8. If someone gave me one I wouldn't turn it down, but I'm not going to spend tons of money buying one when I already have a PC.

    hehe it`s something new to me, I`ve heard some fairy-tales that Mac computers are cheaper than PC analog in US, the thing wich designed almost for dummies and for other people who don`t want to mess with stuff under the hood, but I see that those were just hearings, and situation with prices is pretty the same as here in place where I live.

    And of cource I agree that in general cases 8-12mln. poly for humanoidal char would be enough even for pore details, wrinkles, and other final touches. but charecter modeling is an "one brunch of a big tree" of possibilities and purposes 3d modeling software designed for, there may be a large grotesque, stylized buildings with columns, bas-reliefs or some high-tech stuff with many small detailed pieces, and it`s good thing, when you are allowed to see the whole picture. and it`s become very boring when you aproaching the moments when machine becomes slow and it`s time to cleanup/optimize/retopologize the scene, especialy when yo`ve just started to push somthing interesting and want to push it further now, but not to do any cleanups at this moment, to avoid missing an idea and waste time. I don`t know if I clearly described the situation, haven`t practiced in english from school :D

  9. Ром, исходный был полный экран 1650х1050 и 145 мег. после заливки на рутьюб стал маленького формата и весом 20 с копейками. может просто в следующий раз на другой видеохостинг лить. ютьюб,вемео и т.п. еще поикспериментирую с качеством, размером видео))))

    залал ба на мегаплоад.ком в исходном кач-ве, никто бы серчать не стал.

  10. The question is, do you really need 40+ million? I've done work in 3DC that was 25-30 million and noticed 2 things. I couldn't imagine needing any detail finer than that. And will your normal map that you eventually bake to even support that much?

    I wouldn`t refuse to have as much poly as possible. Why should I limit myself in anything?

    To get back on track - my point is that 3D Coat can't comfortably display detailed models in the same way that subdivision based modelers can.

    +1 what a pity(((

  11. и прочий пафос, вроде там например вьюпортом под музыку повертеть

    ну а куды нынче без пафоса то? без пафоса скуушно станет смотреть. коату бы тожа неплохо было бы привлечь кого-нибуть из пантеона заподных гуру-скульпторов и побольше пафоса мои дорогие.

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