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Posts posted by Jean-Luc

  1. In the merge tool settings there is a checkbox called "merge without voxelization" or something very similar to that (I installed the German version during the last beta update by accident so I'm not sure about the exact English wording), that should do the trick.

    Thank you mulciber, I did try this option before posting my request. Even with "Merge without Voxelizing" it still create a voxel surface. What I meant was really a simple polygonal mesh as "background", not editable, the 3D equivalent of an image plane

    My bad, I tried it again and it did what I wanted :) Now I only need to find how to flip the polygons (normal are inverted). Very nice anyway :-)

  2. This was already asked in the voxel development sub-forum but I guess it would be more appropriate here since it is after all a feature request :)

    It would be very nice if it were possible to import a mesh in the voxel room without having to convert it in voxel. It would allow to import the mesh and have it as a reference when using the voxel tools (building a helmet, cloth, about anything you can do using voxels.

    Some mesh convert very badly into voxel, and being able to have them in the viewport without being obliged to convert them would be a big advantage.

    I have no clue how hard it would be but it seems that Andrew already said it would be relatively easy to do.

  3. 3DCoat can be used without problem with the 3DConnexion controller (I use it with the "old" Space Pilot) but they are no profile for it (in fact, the 3DConnexion devices only come with a few profiles, mainly for photoshop, max, maya and a handfull of very high end CAD programs).

    A while ago, 3DConnexion promised a new version of the drivers that would allow to easily create custom profiles for any supported program, but so far, nothing happened.

    In the meantime you can grab a profile I created a while ago (http://www.3d-coat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=4420&view=&hl=&fromsearch=1) and customize it to your liking if it helps :)

    Here is a post on the 3DConnexion site explaining how to create such a profile from scratch: http://www.3dconnexion.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2009

  4. I answered your question in the French part of the forum but just in case it could be useful to someone who doesn't already know, here it is in English.

    You can drag an image from windows explorer into your viewport (either in perspective or in the view where you want the backdrop to appear.

    A dialogue box appears asking you what you want to do, choose "add reference image" and you will get a lot of nice options to fit the picture to your needs.


  5. question qui se trouve dans le titre et je pense assez claire,

    le but en fait serais de pouvoir inserer notament des gabaris pour affiner la precision du travail.

    par exemple utiliser une photo de face et de profil et l'appliquer sur un plan(cube) dans la vue de face et de profil pour ameliorer les proportion des models.


    Je sais pas si ça répond vraiment à ta question, mais si tu as besoin d'images de référence dans le voxel room, tu peux tout simplement draguer une image depuis l'explorer dans la vue. Tu vas voir un dialogue et tu choisis "reference image". Après tu as plein d'options pour le placement, et bien entendus, tu peux avoir plusieurs images (top, left ...)

  6. Got an e-mail this morning and registered to all five (well, it seems I need an authorization from the organizer for

    3D Coat From Concept to Reality Series: Sculpting a Banshee - Rebroadcast so I guess it's kind of full :( (Well, actually sad for me but nice for Leigh)

    I'm not sure I will be able to attend all of them, but I hope I will be able to get the download version in a near future :)

    Edit: in the meantime I got a confirmation e-mail for all webinars so it seems there was still room in Sculpting a Banshee :)

  7. Same feeling here, Andrew has provided us with a wonderful tool, and it's already way beyond my expectations when I bought it. It's a fun tool for us to use and it has to be fun for Andrew to develop. I have a very good friend who also is an exceptional programmer in the 3D world (I don't say that because he is my friend). He never ever works better than when he does things the way he wants, he is never faster, never gets better results. In the end, everyone wins, he enjoys his work, and produce programs that are way beyond what people expected at first.

    Are they bugs in 3D Coat ? Yes. Do they get fixed very fast ? Most of the time a LOT faster than similar programs made by big companies and I have no doubt most of them will be fixed in the next beta release.

    BTW, this post isn't aimed at anyone in particular, I have no grunge against anyone :)

  8. I notice that KURV is offering 3 tutorials on 3D Coat.


    I don't yet own 3D Coat, but understand that it is the best for retopologizing.

    I believe this means to take a very detailed model and simplify it so that it could be animated in Lightwave or JimmyRig.

    Would one of these tutorials be a good choice, or are there better ones?


    I bought the Advanced retopology and uv-mapping one and I really liked it. The instructor knows is tool very well and produce a clean mesh. Sounds is not the best, but I had no problem understanding despite the fact that English is not my native language.

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