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Posts posted by dimitribastos

  1. 21 minutes ago, Ballistic_Tension said:

    I can see Muttley the dog in it . I really like the over all look is it hollow all the way  through the middle ?

    Thanks! Glad you liked it!

    The pilot will be a little girl. I really like more cartoonish settings. Later I will show more angles to make all the design clear. 

  2. Hi, there. I'm a little late to the party. :blush:
    Will post my progress here. 

    After a lot of references , I decided to create some context to the piece. It's a racing, maybe inspired by wacky races or something like that. :D

    This is the first pass on the car: 



    The design is not final though but pretty close. 

    • Like 5

    4.5.33 [beta]


    - Shaders updated, correct rendering in render room, good sss for sculpt objects. See screenshots:

    1.jpg  2.jpg  3.jpg  4.jpg  5.jpg

    - Extrude faces, extrude vertices, Intrude, Shell implemented for retopo/select/faces mode.


    - RMB->Share item/folder works correctly for PBR materials

    - If "Material preview" window is collapsed it will not pop-up again when you are switching rooms.


    Amazing. Thanks. Is there a way to implement SSS on panting workflow?

  4. I believe I figured out the FBX import problem. Maybe Modo isn't exporting Smoothing Groups or if it does 3D Coat doesn't recognize it. So to solve the issue, just need to click on Auto Smoothing Groups on the importing window and set a proper value. 180 works for me. 

    The OBJ UV changing its quantity and names still bugs me though. 

  5. @digman, thank you so much for you time trying to solve this. :)



    I have tested the teapot model and everything worked out just fine. 


    So what I did:

    I exported an OBJ file with diferents UDIM spaces. 

    For example, the jacket of my character is on UDIM 1001 and 1002 on its own UV. If I place character's face on 1001 and 1002 spaces on its own UV as well, then 3D Coat overlaps each other. 

    So I put the face on 1003 and 1004 UDIM spaces to make it work properly. 

    However, this doesn't seems like a normal behavior (or am I wrong?). Even this way the UV names are broken. Actually, they don't have their names but the UDIM numbers. So I have to identify everything by numbers and then manually rename it. But this only works on the surface materials list. On the Texture Editor window only the UDIM numbers are shown. 

  6. I hope this helps some... When importing as tiles, yes the uv's are stacked on each other in the uv room but internally 3DC keeps them separated. It has no effect on painting or exporting.


    When exporting the model from 3DC select export as tiles then the uv sets will be put back in the UDIM format.


    Now, if you plan on editing the uv sets, then importing as tiles will not be the method to use as they are stacked on each other in the uv room. 


    I am not sure why the FBX model is not importing correctly, Maybe a FBX version difference... Since I do not have the model to test, I am only guessing.

    You could send the model to the development team if it is not under a NDA agreement or share it privately with a 3DC user to test...



    So how can I paint on different objects if my UVs are stacked? When I paint on some part of my model, the painting is passing to another object. 

    Also, is it normal that by importing an OBJ 3D Coat mess with UV names and its numbers? I mean... I have 12 UVs and only sees 6. 

  7. Hi, Guys. I'm experiencing some problems here on my workflow. I have a model separeted in various objects. Each one have its proper UVs and everything is on place, no UDIM (despite using UDIM would be good. But when I do import with Importing Titles as UV Sets all my UVs are stacked on each other). 


    When I import OBJ file to PPP workflow, 3D Coat shows this screen.



    The problem is: I have 12 objects with UVs but it only shows 6 UV sets on the importing options. 

    When I click OK, suddenly 3D Coat shows 6 UV sets and 6 surface materials (of 12 objects) and the result is some UVs stacked on each other, also my UV names are not the same as I created, as you can see on the image:



    When I try to import a FBX file instead of a OBJ file, it shows ALL of my UVs on the importing screen and PRESERVING the UVS names, which is really good.



    However, the problem with FBX importing is this. While all my UVs are absolutely perfect, the model itself isn't as you can see on the image.



    If I try to subdivide de model on importing screen, the result is: 





    Some additional info:

    Tested with 3D Coat 4.5.19 (trough Steam) and 4.5.29. 

    UVs are created on MODO 902.



    Thanks in advance. 

  8. :blush: The talk about "hair clumps" and topology suggested to me that Dimitri had mastered a technique for texturing polygons on "hair clumps". :wacko:

    No, no. lol

    Actually this does not make sense due the fact that my pics illustrating the explanation are lost =( It's actually hard to understand without pics to explain the context. 

    Guess I will create new ones and upload again. Actually, this topic is all broken because of missing links. 

  9. So guys, I used a old study project and then updated it to the Star Wars hype. I did the sculpt on 3D Coat and all the textures as well. Created a "old shirt" smart material and hand painted the face, then used Modo to render. 


    • Like 6
  10. Thanks Dmitri.

    So you took the sculpture, retopologized the hair clumps and added supporting edge loops for a better subdivision? How did you deal with overlapping polygons? Did you initially sculpt each hair clump as an individual object for easier retopo later on? What did you mean by "[hair] separated in various individual segments"? I'm looking at the image that you posted, but I'm not sure what it represents. Some selection of faces for sure. But is that a single UV island  (a collection of faces) or maybe a single object, or something else? Does the screenshot come from retopo room or from 3rd party software?

    You pushed the edge loops outwards, how - and outwards in reference to what?

    I apologise for so many questions, but I really like the hair you've done and I'd like to know some effortless way of creating it. :)

    Man, I'm so sorry about not replying to your post. I stay away from 3D Coat for a while and not even posted here anymore until a few days ago. I just realized that I created this topic and then I saw your question. Again, sorry for taking to long to respond. 

    About your questions, I did exactly what you though. :) The overlapping polygons was not a problem, because after retopologizing the hair I separeted it in various clumps and then fine tuned them by modeling. It was not that hard, because I did them very low poly. By "separeted in various individual segments" I meant exactly what I said above, haha. Sorry about my english vocabulary :( I just created separeted clumps, added some loops to create the details and subdivided. 

    I don't know if you remember the image, unfortunatelly I lost all my files hosted on my server :(

    • Like 1
  11. Yeah, they probably got some notice from one or more of those companies to not include them, which would be a shame. You see it with other companies. I guess they must have some deals with Autodesk and/or Pixologic, which frown on them being linked to another competitor.


    The other problematic aspect to it was, the statement above all of that, linking to their "Voice" page or something like that. I understand them wanting to use the opportunity to share their faith, but there is a time and a place for everything under the sun (Ecclesiastes 3:1- 8), and that ain't the place for it. I told Stas before, at the most, under the ABOUT US tab, they could link to a blog or something, where they share this. Doesn't belong at the front door of a business, IMHO.


    But do they plan to add the clients and colleges list again? This is a great way to selling the software. 

  12. I really agree that the religious message is out of place. It only have the potential to harm sales more than "educate" someone. I consider myself a non-religious person and the message means nothing to me. Not due it's significance for people who cares about it, but because I would not drop a great software because of the company's belief. But for the sake of general sales, I think it's better to not show on the website. 

    • Like 1
  13. Definitely more pro looking.


    New site will get things better and i quarantine this.


    Many users including me introduce 3d coat all day 24 / 7  to other pros in the industry.


    Coming in and have everything looking good is a huge plus.

    This is true. I shared the new site on my Facebook and the first reply says "now it looks like a good app".

    These days we really need to pay attention to the presentation. 

    • Like 2
  14. I do not crash . loads in fine with obj.  and I am using 4.5.03    I do get some floating squares in the  texture editor 2d and on the mesh .it looks say alpha checkers .did as you painted in ppp saved out obj with texture. Then back in with Microvertex  painting .   I do crash in the Render Room if I check  Real Time Render then  right to windows desktop ..  FYI  I am on  win 8.1  .

    I tried some other object and do not crash, but this specific project which I'm working on, with painted textures, normals and else, made on PPP crashes everytime I try do import into micro vertex work space. 

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